Parity committee

The richness that can be drawn from the diversity of sexes, genders, cultures and opinions is essential to the diversity of ideas and scientific progress. In this context, gender inequality emerges from the perpetuation of implicit biases and gender stereotypes that shape how we behave, our ability to recognise unequal treatment and the willingness of disadvantaged individuals to speak up.

The situation at Bordeaux Neurocampus is no different. We have created a Neurocampus Parity Committee (NPC) to promote equality and combat insidious gender biases.

Read all of our latest news here:

Our plan of action 2022-2026

2022 – Data collection and analyses
. march-june: 1st survey
. november: presentation of the survey results
2023 – Publication of a statistical report including recommendations for improvement
2024 – Implementation of the changes
2025 – Data collection and analyses
2026 – Redaction of a statistical report demonstrating the changes and including recommendations for the next steps to take

This plan of action is based on the work led by the XX Initiative at the Institut du Cerveau (ICM, Paris) and published in Schreiweis et al., Nat Human Behav, 2019

Tools and Resources

NPC members

Coordinators: Sandrine Cremona & Shauna Parkes

IINS: Olga Barba, Dominique Fernandes, Sarka Jelinkova, Frédéric Lanore
IMN: Thomas Boraud, Sara Carracedo,
Sandrine Cremona, Elba Molpeceres, Milesa Simic,
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Laure Zago
INCIA: Annachiara Guglietti, Catherine Le Moine, Shauna Parkes
Neurocentre Magendie: Anna Beyeler, Agnès Nadjar
NutriNeuro: Marie-Pierre Moisan, Enrica Montalban
SANPSY: Jacques Taillard

­Bordeaux Neurocampus: Jérôme Baufreton,
Arnaud Rodriguez
HR DR15 CNRS: Laurence Gimenez
RESET (UB): Marion Paoletti
Research VP UB: Nathalie Sans


Contact us

Gender equity in our networks

      • RESET (University of Bordeaux)
        A consortium of European universities, the Rethinking Equality and Scientific Excellence (RESET) project, aims to place gender equality and diversity at the heart of science and university policy-making.
      • CNRS
        The CNRS Mission for the Advancement of Women celebrated its 20th anniversary on January 11, 2022. While parity has progressed over this period, the new action plan for equality 2021-2023 is a new stage in this commitment and intends to go further.
      • INSERM
        To fight professional inequalities, Inserm has appointed gender equality coordinators within the regional delegations. The objective of this dynamic and committed network is to relay campaigns; to propose actions; to lead reflection; to monitor the progress of the structure with regard to parity.
      • INRIA
        The Committee on Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities was created by the Inria CEO on January 19th, 2015. This committee ensures that the gender and equal opportunities dimensions are taken into account in all of Inria activities, in accordance with the Act of July 22 2013 and with the Agreement on professional equality between men and women in the public service.
      • ALBA network
        ALBA represents a global diverse network of individual neuroscientists who are involved in research, education, communication and advocacy, and are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.
        You can join the network for free.

Monitoring units

For victims/witnesses of harassment, violence, insults or discriminatory behaviors

University of Bordeaux
Gender, equality and diversity officer: Yamina Meziani
✉️ Students:
✉️ Staff:

☏ 01 80 52 33 77
✉️ /
