Mini-symposium: Dissecting neural circuits of emotional behaviors
Friday 14 February / 09:00 – 12:30 // Venue: Centre Broca
Bordeaux Neurocampus : The neuroscience Departement of Bordeaux University. It comprises pluridisciplinary research teams stuying brain function and its pathologies.
BrainConf 2026
Deadline: 25 February 2025
Publier en accès ouvert : Quelle stratégie ? Comment s'y retrouver ?
Venue: Haut Carré, Talence.
Lieu : BBS
Organized by Eric Boué-Grabot
Neural coordination in (mal)adaptive memory // Venue: Centre Broca
Venue: Centre Broca
Venue: Centre Broca
Implication du système nerveux sympathique autonome dans le développement de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique
Venue: Centre Broca
New calls
intended to support, over a period of 3 years a young researcher, teacher or clinician-scientist wishing to set up in France a new independent or autonomous group
Ends on 31 March 2025to strengthen open scientific inquiry by initiating international collaborative, interdisciplinary, and cutting-edge basic research in the life sciences.
Ends on 18 March 2025support for in vivo proof-of-concept for promising therapeutics in mouse models of ALS
Ends on 24 March 2025Fondation ARC
Ends on 18 March 2025to support “…activities related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children.”
Ends on 6 March 2025open to graduate students
Ends on 3 March 2025Funding for meetings that stimulate exchanges of the latest scientific knowledge.
Ends on 1 March 2025Autism Science Foundation
Ends on 2 March 2025aimed at early-career researchers wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and training courses
Ends on 28 February 2025Last days
Contact: Muriel Thoby-Brisson (INCIA)
Assistant Ingénieur / Ingénieur d’études en biologie et immunohistochimie (H/F)Contact : Muriel Koehl (Magendie)
From physiology to pathology. 19-23 May, 2025. Deadline for application: 31 March
Parmi les porteurs du projet : Jean-Luc Morel (INCIA)
in recognition of her research work and her involvement in the scientific community.
Concours et promotions 2024Félicitations aux personnels concernés !