The neuroscience Departement of Bordeaux University. It comprises pluridisciplinary research teams stuying brain function and its pathologies.
Our missions
Bordeaux Neurocampus missions are :
- Research and innovation
- Training:
- for students (masters, PhD) through the Graduate Program,
- for researchers (hands-on trainings) with the School of Neurosciences ;
- Scientific dissemination:
- towards researchers, with weekly seminars or the yearly international conference
- towards the general audience, during national events (Science week…)
Key figures:
- 54 teams / 750 research staff:
- 230 researchers,
- 140 PhD students,
- 120 postdocs,
- 230 technicians and engineers,
- More than 30 different nationalities.
- 20 high-end facilities
- 12 spin off companies created since 2010
- 250 publications per year
- 12 ERC (European Research Council) grants and 1 CSF (China Science Fund) grant since 2008
Last update: 19 July 2022