
Chercheur(se) en neurostimulation computationnelle

Fabien Wagner (CNRS -IMN) and Amélie Aussel (Inria) are hiring a researcher in computational neurostimulation.

Their program is based on four key components:

  •  Computational modeling of neural oscillations in limbic (in particular the hippocampal formation) and cortical structures and how they are affected by neurostimulation;
  •  Invasive neurostimulation in non-human primates (NHP) using novel intracranial brain implants that target largescale brain networks (ERC project MEMOPROSTHETICS);
  •  Non-invasive neurostimulation in humans using EEG recordings and transcranial electrical or magnetic stimulation (as part of the new Vascular Brain Health Institute: https://ihu-vbhi.fr/);
  •  Neuroimaging in non-human primates, especially diffusion MRI, to build personalized models of the NHP brain.

They believe that the synergy between these research axes has the potential to create an integrated understanding of how neuromodulation strategies may improve neurocognitive functions, and lead to a novel class of digital therapeutics for neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease or neurovascular disorders.

For more details : Inria call for interest_WAGNER AUSSEL

Contacts :

  • Fabien Wagner :
  • Amélie Aussel :
Publication: 20/12/23
Last update 20/12/23