Hereditary Disease Foundation – Postdoctoral Fellowships and Grants

Ends on 1 November 2023

The call opens on September 15th

Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowships: These fellowships are intended to cultivate interest in Huntington’s disease research by encouraging promising early career scientists (postdoctoral fellows or up to 7 years past completion of PhD). HDF awards two-year fellowships of up to $100,000 per year. Beginning with the 2023 funding cycle, fellowships will be funded for a maximum of 2 years in total funding. Postdoctoral researchers cannot reapply for additional funding for a new project.

Research Grants: Grants provide more experienced researchers with the seed funding to enable them to collect the preliminary data needed to obtain major, long-term funding from other organizations, including the National Institutes of Health. The Hereditary Disease Foundation awards one-year grants of $100,000. With (1) evidence of substantial progress and clear, compelling rationales for continuation; (2) a written request by the grantee for a one-year extension of the project as part of the grant progress report; and (3) competitive review by the HDF review committee, a subset of grants will be selected for the renewal for an additional year of funding of up to $100,000 (maximum possibility of one year renewal for two years in total funding).

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