Calls for proposals

    ECTRIMS – Fellowship programmes

    European committee for treatment and research on Multiple sclerosis
    Ends on 1 December 2024

    Fondation Recherche Alzheimer – AAP 2024

    Alzheimer et maladies apparentées
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    Target ALS – In Vivo Target Validation

    support for in vivo proof-of-concept for promising therapeutics in mouse models of ALS
    Ends on 19 August 2024

    2024 Autism Speaks and AHA – Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships

    to learn more about the unique cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health needs of people with autism.
    Ends on 4 September 2024

    Treat FTD Fund

    Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration
    Ends on 7 October 2024

    AAP FRC 2025

    Les mécanismes fondamentaux sous-tendant des approches thérapeutiques communes aux maladies du cerveau
    Ends on 7 October 2024

    AAP International Emerging Actions (IEA)

    s’adressent aux personnels exerçant une activité de recherche dans une unité du CNRS.
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    Canon – Research fellowships

    grants up to 15 Fellowships to highly qualified European and Japanese researchers. European Fellows are expected to pursue a period of research in Japan whereas Japanese Fellows are expected to do their research in Europe.
    Ends on 15 September 2024

    Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience – Research Grant

    provides research grants to outstanding proposals for basic and applied studies on glycoconjugate in the fields of organic chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cellular biology and medical sciences.
    Ends on 1 September 2024

    EMBO scientific exchange grant

    funds research exchanges of up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries.

    Alzheimer’s association – APOE Biology in Alzheimer’s

    The ABA grant program solicits projects that aim to address some of the key challenges in Alzheimer’s research, as related to APOE contributions and biology
    Ends on 19 August 2024

    PSP France – AAP 2024

    pour des travaux de recherche ou de valorisation de la recherche sur la PSP ou la DCB.
    Ends on 14 September 2024

    FRAXA Fellowship

    for Fragile X syndrome
    Ends on 1 February 2025

    Fulbright France – US Student Program to France

    Several grants and programs
    Ends on 8 October 2024

    Heinrich Böll Foundation – Scholarship application

    To graduates, and doctoral students from outside Germany.
    Ends on 1 September 2024

    Impact Santé : le nouveau programme de financement de l’Inserm

    Campagnes de sélection des projets par le comité scientifique : mi-juillet, mi-octobre, mi-décembre

    Fondation Clément Fayat – Bourse de thèse

    Maladies neurodégénératives
    Ends on 2 August 2024

    Prix 3R

    Prix “culture du soin” et prix “recherche”
    Ends on 9 September 2024

    Prix de la recherche médicale de la Fondation de France/Jean Valade 2025

    Deux prix : senior et junio
    Ends on 21 August 2024

    SFARI – Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes RFA

    Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative
    Ends on 12 September 2024

    Autism Speaks and AHA Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships

    to learn more about the unique cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health needs of people with autism
    Ends on 5 September 2024

    Appel à projets 2024 – « Vers un hôpital Alzheimer Friendly »

    Ouvert à toute structure sanitaire accueillant des personnes vivant avec la maladie d’Alzheimer
    Ends on 15 August 2024

    Prix meilleures publications en psychiatrie de l’année 2024

    L’article doit avoir été référencé dans les banques de données PubMed et/ou Medline (donc publié), et de l’année (2023/2024).
    Ends on 31 July 2024

    The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders

    training movement disorder clinician-researchers who can provide expert care and lead scientific advances
    Ends on 5 December 2024

    Frick Foundation for ALS Research – Starting grants in ALS basic research

    for talented early-career scientists who have alreaady produced excellent supervised work, ready to work independently and shows potential to be a research leader
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    SRSF Career Development Award

    to invest in promising early career researchers and assist with their transition into independence as junior investigators
    Ends on 25 August 2024

    Fondation Médéric Alzheimer – INM et maladie d’Alzheimer

    Les interventions non médicamenteuses
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship – Call 2024

    to attract outstanding female scientists from abroad to the upper management levels.
    Ends on 31 July 2024

    BrightFocus Foundation awards

    Prevention, and treatment of glaucoma.
    Ends on 31 October 2024

    European Charcot Foundation – ECF Small Grant

    To encourage young investigators to gain experience in MS research.
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    Bourses Postdoctorales Marie Skłodowska-Curie

    financements individuels pour projet de recherche dans le cadre d’une mobilité internationale
    Ends on 11 September 2024

    European Charcot Foundation – Fellowship Programmes

    two training programmes offering young healthcare operators the possibility to benefit from a short period of training at a Multiple Sclerosis Centre affiliated with ECF
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    EIC Transition

    targeting innovation activities that goes beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of novel technologies from the lab to the relevant application environments.
    Ends on 18 September 2024

    European Academy of Neurology – Research Fellowship

    clinical or applied research in neuroscience
    Ends on 31 August 2024

    EMBO – Practical Course funding

    Funding for courses that provide training in experimental techniques and promote the transfer of methodologies
    Ends on 1 August 2024

    EFIC-Grünenthal Grant

    Clinical and human experimental pain research
    Ends on 2 September 2024

    CurePSP – Research Grants

    In order to advance understanding of the underlying PSP/CBD fundamental neurobiology and to advance development of therapeutics

    Association France Ekbom – Prix du jeune chercheur 2024

    tout projet de recherche relatif à la maladie Willis Ekbom, plus connue sous le nom de syndrome des jambes sans repos.
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    Fondation de France – Recherche sur l’autisme et le neuro-développement typique de l’enfant

    Recherche fondamentale, clinique et épidémiologique
    Ends on 4 September 2024

    Fondation Thérèse et René Planiol

    Prix jeune chercheur/chercheuse, Aide à la mobilité et à la formation, Soutien de programmes de recherche
    Ends on 30 September 2024

    Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program

    seeks to advance therapeutic development through pre-clinical and/or clinical testing of approaches addressing unmet needs of people with Parkinson’s disease

    MotoNeuron Disease Association – Fundings

    Several grants and fellowships

    American Psychological Foundation – Scholarships, Grants and Awards

    Many Scholarships, Grants and Awards available

    Prix de Thèse GREMI – Michel Chignard

    Objet : récompenser l’auteur / autrice d’une thèse soutenue en 2024 dans le domaine de l’inflammation.
    Ends on 31 December 2024

    Visiting Lecturer Bursary Scheme

    allows international or British scientists of repute to visit clinical departments or laboratories in the United Kingdom to share information, techniques and experiences.