Comparison of 2 crestal sinus floor lift techniques performed on human cadavers

Julien Llopet, Michel Montaudon, Etienne Guillaud, Bruno Ella
Implant Dentistry. 2014-09-04; Publish Ahead of Print:
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000143

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Llopet J(1), Montaudon M, Guillaud E, Ella B.

Author information:
(1)*Resident, Department of Odontology and Oral Health, Bordeaux University,
Bordeaux Cedex, France. †Professor, Laboratory of Anatomy, Bordeaux University,
Bordeaux Cedex, France. ‡Engineer, CNRS-UMR 5287-INCIA, Bordeaux University,
Bordeaux Cedex, France. §Associate Professor, Laboratory of Anatomy, Bordeaux
University, Bordeaux Cedex, France; Department of Odontology and Oral health,
Bordeaux University, Bordeaux Cedex, France.

PURPOSE: To compare the effectiveness of 2 different techniques to lift the
maxillary sinus floor through a crestal approach on fresh human cadaver heads:
the Intralift technique using Piezosurgery and the Summers technique using
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two different protocols were simulated on 11 fresh human
cadaver heads or 22 maxillary sinuses. Inclusion criteria were: bilateral
edentulous maxilla with a residual ridge height between 3 and 9 mm. CT scans were
performed before and after surgery on all fresh cadaver heads. Both Intralift and
Summers techniques were performed on the same maxilla on the 2 sinuses. The
surgical procedure was performed by 2 independent operators, 1 experienced and 1
novice to compare the 2 results. The parameters assessed were the procedure
duration and the sinus membrane preservation.
RESULTS: The procedure duration was shorter when the operator was more
experienced (P = 0.03). There was a correlation between the operator dexterity
and the time required for surgery. The Intralift technique seemed safer for sinus
membrane preservation.
CONCLUSION: The Intralift technique is an interesting alternative to the Summers


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