Stephanie Forkel



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My research focusses on mapping inter-individual variability in brain structure and function and their impact on cognition and clinical symptoms in neurological and psychiatric patient populations.

I am an associate editor for Cortex and a reviewer for over 20 journals and several funding agencies (incl. ERC StG, MRC). Early on in my career, I had the great honour of contributing to the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting for Medicine or Physiology and the German Scholar Organisation Leadership Academy. I received the top10 Young scientist award/ Academics “Nachwuchspreis” which is acknowledging dedicated and talented young researchers for outstanding contributions to science and science communication.

Beyond my academic endeavours, I contribute to a plethora of public engagement projects. I have a colourful portfolio of experiences, including broadcasting, storytelling. I have previously worked with the BBC, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, the Science Gallery London, Pint of Science, and Native Scientists. Also, I won a Wellcome Trust Image award. I published an interview with the Nobel Laureate Professor Elizabeth Blackburn in honour of International Women’s Day.  A personal endeavour of mine is the use of 3D printing for science. ​

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