
Ph.D extension grant

The LabEx BRAIN offers to students from Bordeaux a fellowship to complete their Ph.D thesis, either before or after the defense. The fellowship aims at funding either a fourth year of Ph.D or up to one year immediately after a 3 year Ph.D, covering up a period to finish projects before leaving for a post-doc. The funding can last up to one year.

The selection rate might be around 35%, therefore, candidates are strongly encouraged to also submit to other grants.

Eligibility criteria:

  1. The PhD must be conducted in a Bordeaux Neurosciences laboratory
  2. Only one candidate per PhD supervisor
  3. The candidate has already accomplished the 3rd year of his/her Ph.D (funding the 4th year only, provided it is accepted by the doctorate school)
  4. The end of the LabEx PhD extension grant doesn’t exceed one year after the defense.

Evaluation criteria:

  1. Curriculum and career plan
  2. Quality of the application (clear and concise writing, in line with the template…)
  3. Quality of the methodology (progress achieved and planning for the completion of the thesis, feasibility)
  4. Potential to result in high impact publications

The deadline for submission is June 19th at 11h00 (AM). Proposals will be evaluated by members of the LabEx BRAIN steering committee. The selected candidates list will be communicated via Bordeaux Neurocampus website and e-mail.

Download the application form

For additional information and submission per mail :
Claire Herzog,
Tél. 05 33 51 47 92

Publication: 22/05/19
Last update 01/07/19