Latest BIC trainings of the year
September is here and it’s time to think about back to school and trainings!
Come and get trained at the BIC and improve you skills in widefield and confocal microscopies. This way you will be able to know which microscope is the most appropriate for your project depending on your sample and your biological question! This training will take place from October 11 to 13, 2022. This training takes place twice a year.
If you are a beginner, you may be interested by the 1st level training on how to use the open-source softwares Fiji/ImageJ to process and analyze your images, from 28 to 30 November 2022. You will discover what a digital image is, how to process it to extract more information, how to quantify fluorescence intensities or count objects, evaluate colocalizations, etc… And the last part of the training is dedicated to initiate you to the tasks automation (macros). This training takes place on average 3 times a year.
If you want more information about the program of our trainings, do not hesitate to contact the BIC photonic team or to consult our website >>HERE<<
Last update 02/09/22