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Webinar – George Dragoi

10 January 2022 / 13:30 - 14:30

George Dragoi
(Yale University)



(Zoom link will be sent to the Bordeaux Neurocampus mailing list)

Invited by Jean-Christophe Delpech (NutriNeuro)


The general goal of my research is to map and dissect the neural circuits and to decipher the neuronal codes underlying the formation of internal representations of the external space within hippocampal-neocortical networks. In my talk, I will address two scientific directions. First,what are the neuronal ensemble mechanisms underlying the large capacity of the brain to rapidly encode and remember multiple sequential experiences? We recently uncovered the existence of internal generative predictive codes for the statistical regularities of the external space in the hippocampus that rely on the functional connectivity within and between high-repeat short motifs of sequential neurons called ‘tuplets’. This organization into neuronal tuplets segments extended temporal sequences into shorter modules, analogous to segmentation of words into syllables. This segmentation can vastly expand the generative encoding capacity of the network by rapidly combining neuronal tuplets into multiple independent extended sequences. Second, when and how do internally generated representations supporting memory formation and spatial/mental navigation emerge during brain development? I will discuss our work describing three distinct stages and timepoints in the postnatal development of time-compressed neuronal sequences of firing in the rat hippocampus area CA1 thought to be ethologically relevant for the emergence of memory encoding and consolidation.

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10 January 2022
13:30 - 14:30
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