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Symposium: 3D models in biology: organoids, spheroids, organ-on-a-ship, bioprinted tissues

jeudi 20 juin

Venue: Haut-Carré

The focus of the day is on in vitro three-dimensional cellular models developed  for biology and medicine. These models, which include organoids, spheroids, organs-on-a-chip and bioprinted tissues, are currently undergoing exponential development, thanks in particular to the coincidence between advances in stem cell biology and bioengineering technologies. As well as being an alternative to animal models, these models are of major interest for developmental biology, disease modeling, drug screening, regenerative and personalized medicine. This research is intrinsically interdisciplinary, requiring the collaboration of biologists, physicians, physicists, chemists and engineers.

The aim of this first edition is to bring together people already using or aiming at developing these models, to share their current or future projects. This symposium should promote interactions between researchers of the ‘Nouvelle Aquitaine’, exchanges of ideas and methods, reinforce existing collaborations and prompt the initiation of new ones.

Practical details

The day will be organized around thematic sessions with one invited communication and short communications (8 min + 2min questions) per session. Coffee and lunch breaks will be accompanied by poster sessions. Abstracts for short communications and/or posters can be submitted until 3 May.

In-person only

Organizing Committee

Hugo De-Oliveira (Biotis) – Isabelle Dupin (CRCTB) – Elise Maurat (CRCTB) – Matthieu Raoux (CBMN) – Gaëlle Recher (LP2N) – Vincent Studer (IINS) – Christine Varon (BRIC)


This event is sponsored by the GdR ImaBio, with additional support from: départements SBM et STS de l’Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Neurocampus, l’OncoSphère, le RRI NewMoon, the Company of Biologists, Nikon, Alvéole, StemCell Technologies

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Date :
jeudi 20 juin
Catégories d’Évènement:
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