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CBMN / Neurocampus Seminar – Yann Lanoiselée

vendredi 12 juillet / 11:30

Venue: Centre Broca

Yann Lanoiselée
Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE), Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.

Invited by Isabel Alves (CBMN) and Rémi Galland (IINS)

About the speaker

I am a statistical physicist specializing in the theory and analysis of diffusion processes in complex/heterogeneous environments. My main topic is the diffusion of proteins and receptors in living cells.

I completed my theoretical PhD with Dr Denis Grebenkov on the analysis of Single Particle Trajectory experiments: extraction of the maximum of physical information from individual experimental trajectories and physical modeling of experimentally observed diffusive behaviors. Then, decided to learn more about cell biology and how experiments are done, I did a 4 years post-doc in the experimental group of Pr Davide Calebiro where I collaborated with many biologists/pharmacologists/medical doctors on the analysis of the mechanisms underlying signal transduction of G protein-coupled receptors at the single-molecule level. I studied dimer formation of mu/delta/kappa opioid receptors. With Marie-Lise Jobin, I studied the neuronal diffusion of GABA B receptors and their colocalization dynamics with Filamin A molecules:

My main contribution during this post-doc is the analysis of the interaction between adrenergic receptors (b1AR, B2AR, chimeric b2V2) and b-arrestin and the reconstruction of the sequence of events leading to their recruitment to clathrin-coated pits with the discovery that b-arrestin can preassociate with the plasma membrane even without a receptor:

In the next years, I plan to theoretically model the diffusion processes related to the GPCR lifecycle. The main steps I want to study are: the diffusion of ligands until reaching GPCRs, the diffusion of GPCRs until CCP/caveolae internalization, and the cargo motion up to intracellular sites to take explicitly into account the diversity of motion type that can be observed (free diffusion, trapping, diffusion coefficient changes resulting from conformational changes, etc.). This work calls for experimental teams studying GPCR at the single molecule level, to whom I could offer my expertise in analysing and characterizing diffusion, and interaction (association/dissociation rates).

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Date :
vendredi 12 juillet
Heure :
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