PARCA (Platform for Addiction Research and Clinical Assessment)


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Clinical research on addiction (substances and/or behaviors) and comorbidities
Multidimensional and standardized assessment of the severity of addiction in humans
Ecological Momentary Assessment and Ecological Momentary Intervention
Data analysis, article writing and publication in scientific journal

Design, set up and conduct clinical studies in patients treated for addiction (e.g. cohort ADDICTAQUI) or recruited in general population
Assessment of patients treated in addiction health services (e.g. CH Charles Perrens ; Bizia)
Recruitment of patients for clinical studies on addiction (SANPSY partnerships)
Training in addiction and psychiatric comorbidities assessment tools (ASIAddiction Severity Index; MINI Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview)
Communication, training of addictology clinical teams and support to other researches

Download the poster (pdf)

Mots clés

Team leader
Marc Auriacombe
Université de Bordeaux

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s



Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)

Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC