Cajal course : Advanced Techniques for Synapse Biology – Lectures

15 to 30 October

Mise en ligne : 14 October 2019

Symposium : Synaptic and circuit correlates of animal behavior

Monday 7 October : thesis defense of Tiago Campelo et and seminars by the jury

Mise en ligne : 4 October 2019

International conference – REWARD

Deadline extended! Abstract submission before Friday 09/16 – 4pm

Mise en ligne : 25 September 2019

Honoris Causa ceremony : Monica di Luca

Tuesday October 15th, 2019. At 5pm

Mise en ligne : 23 September 2019

17th Synapse Day

Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Tuesday 17 September.

Mise en ligne : 3 September 2019

CAJAL lectures “Whole Brain Imaging”

CGFB, free entrance

Mise en ligne : 3 September 2019

PhD seminar series – 2019 – 2020

First conference on September 6

Mise en ligne : 29 August 2019

Seminars by IINS group leader candidates

Vidhya Rangaraju, Naoya Takahashi, Dragomir Milovanovic, Cordelia Imig

Mise en ligne : 8 July 2019

Cajal Course talks : Biosensors and actuators for cellular and systems neuroscience

From 24 June to 9 July. Free access. Venue: CGFB.

Mise en ligne : 29 June 2019

Colloque : Le cerveau en lumières

Mardi 25 juin au Collège de France

Mise en ligne : 20 June 2019

Cajal course: Brain Homeostasis and Neurovascular Coupling

20 May – 8 June. Talks are open to everyone.

Mise en ligne : 23 May 2019

Symposium: Molecular Mechanisms of Glutamate Receptor Signalling

Venue: Auditorium Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Mise en ligne : 12 May 2019

Seminar – Philippe Séguéla

Vendredi 24 mai à 11h30 / Centre Broca

Mise en ligne : 10 May 2019

Mini-symposium : Super-resolution Microscopy

Tuesday May 7th. Centre Broca conference room

Mise en ligne : 30 April 2019


June 11th to 13th, 2019.

Mise en ligne : 24 April 2019

XIIIth IBAGS meeting

Biarritz, 28/04 – 02/05

Mise en ligne : 23 April 2019

Ma thèse en 180s

My thesis in 180 secondes

Regional final this Tuesday

Mise en ligne : 15 March 2019

Ingrid Chamma

“SBCF 2019 young researcher prize” to Ingrid CHAMMA

Olivier Thoumine’s team / IINS

Mise en ligne : 11 March 2019

Nutrition – Neuroscience scientific day / 12th edition

Wednesday 3 April 2019. Free entrance, no subscription.

Mise en ligne : 28 February 2019

BIC Inaugural seminar

The new advanced approaches in Electron microscopy

Mise en ligne : 27 January 2019


January 30, 2020 – Haut-Carré (Talence).

Mise en ligne : 4 January 2019

NeuroFrance 2019

May 22 to 24, 2019

Mise en ligne : 2 October 2018

CAJAL lectures

September 11th to 28th. Free access

Mise en ligne : 6 September 2018

Symposium – Frontiers in medial prefrontal cortex research

September 6th, 2018. Guests : Etienne Coutureau/ Mathieu Wolff (équipe DECAD, INCIA, Bordeaux) et Emmanuel Procyk (SCBRI, Lyon)

Mise en ligne : 26 July 2018

Séminaire – Juan Mena-Segovia

July 20th, 2018 – 11:30 (Amphi Broca)

Mise en ligne : 17 July 2018

13th edition of IBAGS meeting

From April 28th to May 2, 2019. Registration from September 17th.

Mise en ligne : 18 June 2018

Scientific photography exhibition

From May, 23rd to June 1st. Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Mise en ligne : 17 May 2018

Seminar Janelle Drouin-Ouellet

“Can directly induced neurons derived from patients be useful to study sporadic parkinson’s disease?” May 18th, 2018

Mise en ligne : 9 May 2018

International yearly conference: Aging

September 26th to 28th, 2018.

Mise en ligne : 3 May 2018

Seminar: Dolf Pfefferbaum

Alcoholism and the Brain: From Rats to Humans

Mise en ligne : 30 March 2018

Seminar: Charles Nicholson

30 nov. 2018 à 11:30 (Amphi Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine) New York University / NYU Langone Health / Neuroscience Institute Invitant : Valentin Nägerl / Laurent Cognet / Laurent Groc, Valentin Nägerl: IIINS , team leader: Synaptic Plasticity and Super-Resolution Microscopy Summary The goal of our work is to understand how molecules move through the extracellular…

Mise en ligne : 30 March 2018

Lisa Roux / PhD seminar series – April 2018

April 6, 2018 – 11:30 (Amphi Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine) PhD , team leader: Olfaction and Memory / IINS Invitant : Bordeaux Neurocampus / NBA Abstract : The formation of episodic and spatial memories requires a two-stage process that includes an “online” encoding phase, during which the memory trace is initially labile and vulnerable to interference, followed…

Mise en ligne : 28 March 2018

Neurocampus Day

Domaine du Haut Carré, Talence – Thursday May 17th, 2018

Mise en ligne : 27 March 2018

Seminar – Chris Dayas

2018/07/06 – 11:30

Mise en ligne : 23 March 2018

Once upon a time: the brain.

Special event about brain cells More information : Cliquez ici pour accéder au site Pint of Science [FR]

Mise en ligne : 21 March 2018

Impromptu seminar – Robert Kalb

“The intricacy of glutamatergic synapses – some new players in the game” MD, research scientist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Invitant : Olivier Thoumine, PhD, IINS, Team Leader: Cell Adhesion Molecules in Synapse Assembly Abstract : During early…

Mise en ligne : 20 March 2018

Workshop Key Concepts in Neuroimmunology

A dialogue between Philosophers and Scientists 19 mars 2018 à 09:30 Invitants : JP Konsman, A Nadjar, T Pradeu, S Layé Location : Université de Bordeaux , Carreire Campus,  Bâtiment CGFB Registration : NeuroimmunoRegistration Plenary speaker:  Robert Dantzer (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA) Speakers: Jérôme Badaut (INCIA, UMR CNRS/UB 5287, Bordeaux,…

Mise en ligne : 20 March 2018

Seminar Stéphane Vassilopoulos

June 14th, 2018

Mise en ligne : 14 March 2018

Symposium: National Day of Alcohol research

Organised by Aviesan, l’alliance nationale pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé. In French Tuesday March 13, 2018. Maison des Océans – 195 Rue Saint Jacques, Paris 5  

Mise en ligne : 12 March 2018

16th Synapse day meeting 2018

Friday 30 March 2018 at 08:30AM (Amphi Broca-Nouvelle Aquitaine / free entrance) Contact: Nathalie Sans, Mathieu Letellier et Maurice Garret, Bordeaux Neurocampus En anglais.  

Mise en ligne : 9 January 2018