Validation of the French version of the Acceptability E-scale (AES) for mental E-health systems
Psychiatry Research. 2016-03-01; 237: 196-200
DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.01.043

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1. Psychiatry Res. 2016 Mar 30;237:196-200. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.01.043.
Epub 2016 Jan 19.
Validation of the French version of the Acceptability E-scale (AES) for mental
E-health systems.
Micoulaud-Franchi JA(1), Sauteraud A(1), Olive J(2), Sagaspe P(1), Bioulac S(1),
Philip P(3).
Author information:
(1)Clinique du Sommeil, Service d’Explorations Fonctionnelles du Système Nerveux,
CHU de Bordeaux, Place Amélie Raba-Léon, 33076 Bordeaux, France; USR CNRS 3413
SANPSY, Université de Bordeaux, 33076 Bordeaux, France.
(2)USR CNRS 3413 SANPSY, Université de Bordeaux, 33076 Bordeaux, France.
(3)Clinique du Sommeil, Service d’Explorations Fonctionnelles du Système Nerveux,
CHU de Bordeaux, Place Amélie Raba-Léon, 33076 Bordeaux, France; USR CNRS 3413
SANPSY, Université de Bordeaux, 33076 Bordeaux, France. Electronic address:
Despite the increasing use of E-health systems for mental-health organizations,
there is a lack of psychometric tools to evaluate their acceptability by patients
with mental disorders. Thus, this study aimed to translate and validate a French
version of the Acceptability E-scale (AES), a 6-item self-reported questionnaire
that evaluates the extent to which patients find E-health systems acceptable. A
forward-backward translation of the AES was performed. The psychometric
properties of the French AES version, with construct validity, internal
structural validity and external validity (Pearson’s coefficient between AES
scores and depression symptoms on the Beck Depression Inventory II) were
analyzed. In a sample of 178 patients (mean age=46.51 years, SD=12.91 years), the
validation process revealed satisfactory psychometric properties: factor analysis
revealed two factors: “Satisfaction” (3 items) and “Usability” (3 items) and
Cronbach’s alpha was 0.7. No significant relation was found between AES scores
and depression symptoms. The French version of the AES revealed a two-factor
scale that differs from the original version. In line with the importance of
acceptability in mental health and with a view to E-health systems for patients
with mental disorders, the use of the AES in psychiatry may provide important
information on acceptability (i.e., satisfaction and usability).
Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.01.043
PMID: 26809367 [Indexed for MEDLINE]