Superoanterior Fasciculus (SAF): Novel fiber tract revealed by diffusion MRI fiber tractography

Szabolcs David, Anneriet M. Heemskerk, Francesco Corrivetti, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Silvio Sarubbo, Laurent Petit, Max A. Viergever, Derek K. Jones, Emmanuel Mandonnet, Hubertus Axer, John Evans, Tomas Paus, Alexander Leemans
. 2018-05-11; :
DOI: 10.1101/319863

Substantial progress in acquisition, processing, and analysis boosted the reliability of diffusion-weighted MRI and increased the accuracy of mapping white matter pathways with fiber tractography. Since the introduction of ‘region of interest’ (ROI) based virtual dissection by Conturo et al. in 1999, researchers have used tractography to identify white matter pathways, which faithfully represented previously known structures revealed by dyeing studies or post-mortem descriptions. The reconstructed streamlines are subjects of bundle-specific in vivo investigations to show differences between groups (e.g., comparing fractional anisotropy (FA) between patients and healthy controls) or to describe the relation between diffusion scalars and metrics of interest (e.g.: normal aging or changes due to learning). By applying a reverse strategy in using diffusion-weighted MRI tractography first, then supporting the findings with other techniques, we have identified a bilateral tract in the frontal cortex – the superoanterior fasciculus (SAF). The tract resembles the anterior shape of the cingulum bundle, but is located more frontally. To erase the chance that our findings are confounded by acquisition, processing or modeling artifacts, we analyzed a total of 421 subjects from four cohorts with different acquisition schemes and diverse processing pipelines. The findings were also completed with other non-MRI techniques, such as polarized light microscopy and dissection. Tractography results demonstrate a long pathway and are consistent among cohorts, while dissection indicates a series of U-shaped fibers connecting adjacent gyri. In conclusion, we hypothesize that these consecutive U-shaped fibers emerge to form a pathway, thereby resulting in a multicomponent bundle.

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