Population-based cortical mapping of callosal connections in the human brain

Yirong Xiong, Liyuan Yang, Changtong Wang, Chenxi Zhao, Junhao Luo, Di Wu, Yiping Ouyang, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Gaolang Gong
PrePrint bioRxiv. 2022-10-31; :
DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2210117/v1

The corpus callosum (CC) is the principal white matter (WM) bundle supporting communication between the two brain hemispheres. Despite its importance, a comprehensive mapping of callosal connections is still lacking. Here, we constructed the first bidirectional population-based callosal connectional atlas between the midsagittal section of the CC and the cerebral cortex of the human brain by means of diffusion-weighted imaging tractography. The estimated connectional topographic maps within this atlas have the most fine-grained spatial resolution, demonstrate histological validity, and were reproducible in two independent samples. This new resource will revolutionize the investigation of interhemispheric communication and come with a user-friendly companion online tool (CCmapping) for easy access and visualization of the atlas.

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