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Missing links: the functional unification of language and memory (L∪M).
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Smartphone‐based virtual agents and insomnia management: A proof‐of‐concept study for new methods of autonomous screening and management of insomnia symptoms in the general population.
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The temporal origin of dentate granule neurons dictates their role in spatial memory.
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Factors associated with the acceptance of a virtual companion providing screening and advices for sleep problems during COVID-19 crisis.
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Microglia modulate hippocampal synaptic transmission and sleep duration along the light/dark cycle.
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L‐DOPA and 5‐HTP modulation of air‐stepping in newborn rats.
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Binge-Like Alcohol Exposure in Adolescence: Behavioural, Neuroendocrine and Molecular Evidence of Abnormal Neuroplasticity… and Return.
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The vSNAREs VAMP2 and VAMP4 control recycling and intracellular sorting of post-synaptic receptors in neuronal dendrites.
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Progress in the characterization of insulin-like peptides in aphids: Immunohistochemical mapping of ILP4.
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Detection of a temporal structure in the rat behavioural response to an aversive stimulation in the emotional object recognition (EOR) task..
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Comparison of three scales (BIS, SUMD and BCIS) for measuring insight dimensions and their evolution after one-year of follow-up: Findings from the FACE-SZ Cohort..
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Childhood maltreatment and metabolic syndrome in bipolar disorders: In search of moderators..
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Distortion of voiced obstruents for differential diagnosis between parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy.
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Novel characterization of the relationship between verbal list‐learning outcomes and hippocampal subfields in healthy adults.
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Pathogenic Variants in ABHD16A Cause a Novel Psychomotor Developmental Disorder With Spastic Paraplegia..
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Nucleolipid Acid-Based Nanocarriers Restore Neuronal Lysosomal Acidification Defects.
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Biallelic PI4KA variants cause a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome with hypomyelinating leukodystrophy..
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