Foreground contextual fear memory consolidation requires two independent phases of hippocampal ERK/CREB activation.

P. Trifilieff
Learning & Memory. 2006-05-01; 13(3): 349-358
DOI: 10.1101/lm.80206

Read on PubMed

1. Learn Mem. 2006 May-Jun;13(3):349-58. Epub 2006 May 16.

Foreground contextual fear memory consolidation requires two independent phases
of hippocampal ERK/CREB activation.

Trifilieff P(1), Herry C, Vanhoutte P, Caboche J, Desmedt A, Riedel G, Mons N,
Micheau J.

Author information:
(1)Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, CNRS UMR 5106, Université de Bordeaux I, 33605 Talence, France.

Fear conditioning is a popular model for investigating physiological and cellular
mechanisms of memory formation. In this paradigm, a footshock is either
systematically associated to a tone (paired conditioning) or is pseudorandomly
distributed (unpaired conditioning). In the former procedure, the tone/shock
association is acquired, whereas in the latter procedure, the context/shock
association will prevail. Animals with chronically implanted recording electrodes
show enhanced amplitude of the extracellularly recorded field EPSP in CA1
pyramidal cells for up to 24 h after unpaired, but not paired, fear conditioning.
This is paralleled by a differential activation of the ERK/CREB pathway in CA1,
which is monophasic in paired conditioning (0-15 min post-conditioning), but
biphasic (0-1 h and 9-12 h post-conditioning) in unpaired conditioning as
revealed by immunocytochemistry and Western blotting. Intrahippocampal injection
of the MEK inhibitor U0126 prior to each phase prevents the activation of both
ERK1/2 and CREB after unpaired conditioning. Block of any activation phase leads
to memory impairment. We finally reveal that the biphasic activation of ERK/CREB
activity is independently regulated, yet both phases are critically required for
the consolidation of long-term memories following unpaired fear conditioning.
These data provide compelling evidence that CA1 serves different forms of memory
by expressing differential cellular mechanisms that are dependent on the training

DOI: 10.1101/lm.80206
PMCID: PMC1475817
PMID: 16705140 [Indexed for MEDLINE]

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