Symposium : Synaptic and circuit correlates of animal behavior

Monday 7 October 2019

Lieu : Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine

PhD defense of Tiago Campelo
From AMPAR lateral diffusion to whisker perception:A new model for cortical remapping

More details about Tiago Campelo’s thesis

14h –14h40
Prof. Richard Huganir
Regulation of AMPA Receptor Function in Health and Disease

Dr. Julie Perroy
Functional D1-mGlu5 heteromers: implications in maladaptive responses to Parkinson’s disease treatment

Dr. Jérôme Baufreton
Characterization of the cellular dichotomy in the external globus pallidus

16h-16h20 Coffee Break

16h20 -17h
Dr. Isabelle Férézou
A mesoscopic view of tactile sensory information processing in the cerebral cortex

17h –17h40
Prof. Anthony Holtmaat
Context-Dependent Dynamics of Functional Selectivity in Somatosensory Cortex

Publication: 04/10/19
Last update 08/10/19