
Brainstorm: 4th issue

4 th Issue, April 2023 BRAINSTORM, THE STUDENT JOURNAL IN BORDEAUXThe 4th issue of Brainstrom is out with an illustration by Rui Rodrigues on the cover. You can find the paper version in institutes or download the PDF.

Review : Cellular substrate for predictive processing in cortical circuits by Jakob Scharnholz (Master student, Neurasmus)
Letter : Greening up the lab – research and sustainability by Maria Fakitsa (Master student, NeuroBIM)
Dissemination article : Why are we still lacking Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis biomarkers ? by Sara Carracedo (PhD student, IMN) in association with La Maison du Cerveau

About Brainstorm

News: Brainstorm, the new neuroscience student journal in Bordeaux (October 2022)

Publication: 03/05/23
Mise à jour: 03/05/23