
Brain-hack: Functional architecture of the brain

Brain-hack: Functional architecture of the brain in Bordeaux will be held at INRIA Bordeaux research center (https://www.inria.fr/en/centre-bordeaux-sud-ouest)

Brainhack aims at promoting the interaction between scientists, developers, and artists interested in the brain. Questions can evolve around the investigation of brain anatomy and function based on non-invasive imaging methods (e.g. MRI, nTMS) and intraoperative brain mapping methods, or post mortem dissection the evolution of nervous systems across species the variability of brain features across healthy participants the insurgence of brain pathologies and there is no limit to artistic reflections in any form of art.

Participants can bring their own dataset, discuss a project, and recruit a team of collaborators on site. Access to free big online databases of MRI images will be also available during the three days, for new creative ideas to be tested.

This workshop integrates all levels of expertise and is also an opportunity to learn methods, develop skills, and collaborate with other participants.

Preliminary programme

Local Organizers: Michel Thiebaut de Schotten (IMN), Stephanie Forkel, Pascal Guitton, Marie Madeleine Sanchez.

Wednesday 1st April 2020

09:00 – 09:30   Welcome to INRIA (TBD)
09:30 – 10:00   Ignite: a new meta-analytic approach of the functional brain Demian Wasserman (TBC)
10:00 – 11:00   Project pitches
P1 – Cluster or gradient of functional brain organisation? (medium level) – M. Thiebaut de Schotten
P2 – Dissociating Language networks (medium level) – S. Forkel
More to come…
11:00 – 13:30   Teaming & Hacking
13:30 – 14:30   Lunch provided
14:30 – 18:00   Open Hacking
19:00     Social drinks & dinner

Thursday 2d April 2020

09:00 – 09:30   Ignite: Inferring brain organisation using clinical data (E. Howells)
09:30 – 13:00   Open hacking
13:00 – 13:30   Projects updates Needing help? last call!
13:30 – 14:30   Lunch provided
14:30 – 18:00   Open hacking
19:00       Free evening

Friday 3rd April 2020

09:00 – 09:30   Ignite: cross species functional architecture (A. Goulas)
10:00 – 13:30   Open hacking
13:30 – 14:30   Lunch provided
14:30 – 17:00    Final line hacking!
17:00 – 18:00    Projects report/Wrap-up
18:00       Farewell drinks

“Ignite Session” are shorts talks that will address wide questions that would benefit from open, interdisciplinary collaborations.

The Open Hacking sessions where participants can work on their projects or participate in a dynamic set of talks organized by attendees. During the “hack sessions”, participants will be encouraged to work together in small groups on relevant projects. The workshop will culminate on the last day, when participants will have the opportunity to present a brief overview of their project.

Participants will be supervised and receive advice on methods from a team of very capable nerds throughout the three days.

!!!Deadline for registration is 10th of March 2020!!!

To learn more about Brainhack and previous events: http://brainhack.org/

Publication: 12/02/20
Mise à jour: 12/02/20