Wireless neurosensor for full-spectrum electrophysiology recordings during free behavior.
Neuron. 2014-12-01; 84(6): 1170-1182
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.11.010

Lire sur PubMed
1. Neuron. 2014 Dec 17;84(6):1170-82. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.11.010. Epub 2014
Dec 4.
Wireless neurosensor for full-spectrum electrophysiology recordings during free
Yin M(1), Borton DA(2), Komar J(1), Agha N(1), Lu Y(1), Li H(3), Laurens J(4),
Lang Y(5), Li Q(6), Bull C(1), Larson L(1), Rosler D(7), Bezard E(8), Courtine
G(4), Nurmikko AV(9).
Author information:
(1)School of Engineering, Brown University, 184 Hope Street, Providence, RI
02912, USA.
(2)School of Engineering, Brown University, 184 Hope Street, Providence, RI
02912, USA; Center for Neuroprosthetics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(EPFL), Lausanne, CH-1015 Vaud, Switzerland.
(3)Marvell Semiconductor, 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA.
(4)Center for Neuroprosthetics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL),
Lausanne, CH-1015 Vaud, Switzerland.
(5)Institute of Neurodegenerative diseases, Bordeaux Institut of Neuroscience,
146 Rue Léo Saignat, UMR, 33076 Bordeaux, France.
(6)Motac Neuroscience, Lloyd Street N., Manchester, M15 6SE, UK; Institute of
Laboratory Animal Sciences, China Academy of Medical Sciences, NO. 9, Dongdan san
tiao, Dongcheng District, 100730 Beijing, China.
(7)School of Engineering, Brown University, 184 Hope Street, Providence, RI
02912, USA; Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology, Rehabilitation R&D
Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 830 Chalkstone Avenue,
Providence, RI 02908, USA.
(8)Institute of Neurodegenerative diseases, Bordeaux Institut of Neuroscience,
146 Rue Léo Saignat, UMR, 33076 Bordeaux, France; Institute of Laboratory Animal
Sciences, China Academy of Medical Sciences, NO. 9, Dongdan san tiao, Dongcheng
District, 100730 Beijing, China.
(9)School of Engineering, Brown University, 184 Hope Street, Providence, RI
02912, USA. Electronic address: .
Brain recordings in large animal models and humans typically rely on a tethered
connection, which has restricted the spectrum of accessible experimental and
clinical applications. To overcome this limitation, we have engineered a compact,
lightweight, high data rate wireless neurosensor capable of recording the full
spectrum of electrophysiological signals from the cortex of mobile subjects. The
wireless communication system exploits a spatially distributed network of
synchronized receivers that is scalable to hundreds of channels and vast
environments. To demonstrate the versatility of our wireless neurosensor, we
monitored cortical neuron populations in freely behaving nonhuman primates during
natural locomotion and sleep-wake transitions in ecologically equivalent
settings. The interface is electrically safe and compatible with the majority of
existing neural probes, which may support previously inaccessible experimental
and clinical research.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.11.010
PMID: 25482026 [Indexed for MEDLINE]