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Antagonism of μ-opioid receptors reduces sensation seeking-like behavior in mice.
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A multi-dimensional approach to the relationship between insight and aggressiveness in schizophrenia: Findings from the FACE-SZ cohort.
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[Only good therapeutic strategies! Response to the letter about the special issue: « All the truth about benzodiapzépines »]..
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“Artificial intelligence”: Which services, which applications, which results and which development today in clinical research? Which impact on the quality of care? Which recommendations?.
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Development of a standardized evaluation of endobuccal adverse events induced by repeated tongue protrusion with both a dedicated questionnaire and an endobuccal examination.
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Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits.
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The hidden side of Parkinson’s disease: studying pain, anxiety and depression in animal models..
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Disrupted core-periphery structure of multimodal brain networks in Alzheimer’s disease.
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