Limbic Stimulation Drives Mania in STN-DBS in Parkinson Disease: A Prospective Study

Stéphane Prange, Zhengyu Lin, Mikail Nourredine, Teodor Danaila, Chloé Laurencin, Ouhaid Lagha‐Boukbiza, Mathieu Anheim, Hélène Klinger, Nadine Longato, Clelie Phillipps, Jimmy Voirin, Gustavo Polo, Emile Simon, Patrick Mertens, Anne‐Sophie Rolland, David Devos, Elise Metereau, Christine Tranchant, Stéphane Thobois, Caroline Moreau, Luc Defebvre, Nicolas Carriere, Guillaume Grolez, Gillaume Baille, Kreisler, Jean‐Pierre Pruvo, Leclerc, Renaud Lopes, Romain Viard, Gregory Kuchcinski, Julien Dumont, Kathy Dujardin, M Delliaux, M Brion, Gustavo Touzet, Nicolas Reyns, Arnaud Delval, Valerie Santraine, Marie Pleuvret, Nolwen Dautrevaux, Victor Laugeais, Morgane Coeffet, Thavarak Ouk, Camille Potey, Celine Leclercq, Elise Gers, Jean‐Christophe Corvol, Marie Vidailhet, Elodie Hainque, Marie‐Laure Welter, Lucette Lacomblez, David Grabli, Emmanuel Roze, Yulia Worbe, Cécile Delorme, Hana You, Jonas Ihle, Raquel Guimeraes‐Costa, Florence Cormier‐Dequaire, Aurélie Méneret, Andréas Hartmann, Louise‐Laure Mariani, Stéphane Lehericy, Virginie Czernecki, Fanny Pineau, Frédérique Bozon, Camille Huiban, Eve Benchetrit, Carine Karachi, Soledad Navarro, Philippe Cornu, Arlette Welaratne, Carole Dongmo‐Kenfack, Lise Mantisi, Nathalie Jarry, Sophie Aix, Carine Lefort, Tiphaine Rouaud, Philippe Damier, Pascal Derkinderen, Anne‐Gaelle Corbille, Elisabeth Calvier‐Auffray, Madame Laetitia Rocher, Madame Anne‐Laure Deruet, Raoul Sylvie, Roualdes Vincent, Le Dily Séverine, Ana Marques, Berangere Debilly, Franck Durif, Philippe Derost, Charlotte Beal, Carine Chassain, Laure Delaby, Tiphaine Vidal, Jean Jacques Lemaire, Isabelle Rieu, Elodie Durand, Alexandre Eusebio, Jean‐Philippe Azulay, Tatiana Witjas, Frédérique Fluchère, Stephan Grimaldi, Nadine Girard, Marie Delfini, Romain Carron, Jean Regis, Giorgio Spatola, Camille Magnaudet, Ansquer Solène, Benatru Isabelle, Colin Olivier, JL Houeto, Guillevin Remy, Fradet Anne, Anziza Manssouri, Blondeau Sophie, Richard Philippe, Cam Philippe, Page Philippe, Bataille Benoit, Rabois Emilie, Guillemain Annie, Drapier Sophie, Frédérique Leh, Alexandre Bonnet, Marc Vérin, Jean‐Christophe Ferré, Jean François Houvenaghel, Claire Haegelen, Francoise Kestens, Solenn Ory, Pierre Burbaud, Nathalie Damon‐Perriere, Wassilios Meissner, Francois Tison, Stéphanie Bannier, Elsa Krim, Dominique Guehl, Sandrine Molinier‐Blossier, Morgan Ollivier, Marion Lacoste, Nicolas Auzou, Marie Bonnet, Emmanuel Cuny, Julien Engelhardt, Olivier Branchard, Clotilde Huet, Julie Blanchard, Rascol Olivier, Christine Brefel Courbon, Fabienne Ory Magne, Marion Simonetta Moreau, Christophe Arbus, Fabrice Bonneville, Jean Albert Lotterie, Marion Sarrail, Patrick Chaynes, François Caire, Estelle Harroch, David Maltete, Romain Lefaucheur, Damien Fetter, Nicolas Magne, Sandrine Bioux, Maud Loubeyre, Evangéline Bliaux, Dorothée Pouliquen, Stéphane Derrey, Linda Vernon, Frédéric Ziegler, Odile Gebus, Solveig Montaut, Stéphane Kremer, Clélie Phillips, Marie des Neiges Santin, Dominique Chaussemy, Amaury Mengin, Caroline Girodana, Claire Marsé, Lydiane Mondot, Bruno Giordana, Robin Kardous, Bernadette Bailet, Héloise Joly, Denys Fontaine, Aurélie Leplus, Amélie Faustini, Vanessa Ferrier, Pierre Krystkowiak, Mélissa Tir, Jean‐Marc Constans, Sandrine Wannepain, Audrey Seling, Michel Lefranc, Stéphanie Blin, Béatrice Schuler, Stephane Thobois, Chloe Laurencin, Yves Berthezene, Roxana Ameli, Helene Klinger, A Nunes, Lucie Hopes, Solène Frismand, Emmanuelle Schmitt, Mylène Meyer, Céline Dillier, Sophie Colnat, Anne Chatelain, Jean‐Philippe Brandel, Cécile Hubsch, Patte Karsenti, Marie Lebouteux, Marc Ziegler, Christine Delmaire, Julien Savatowky, Juliette Vrillac, Claire Nakache, Vincent D'Hardemare, Lhaouas Belamri, Frédérique Bourdain, Vadim Afanassiev, Philippe Graveleau, Cécilia Bonnet, Valérie Mesnage, Jarbas Correa Lino Junior, Camille Decrocq, Anne Boulin, Elodie Dupuy, Inès Barre, Bérénice Gardel, Béchir Jarraya, Delphine Lopez, Christophe Fruit, Catherine Ziz, David Gay, Robin Bonicel, Fouzia El Mountassir, Clara Fischer, Jean‐François Mangin, Marie Chupin, Yann Cointepas, Bertrand Accart, Patrick Gelé, Florine Fievet, Matthieu Chabel, Virginie Derenaucourt, Loïc Facon, Yanick Tchantchou Njosse, Dominique Deplanque, Alain Duhamel, Lynda Djemmane, Florence Duflot,
Annals of Neurology. 2022-07-12; 92(3): 411-417
DOI: 10.1002/ana.26434

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Prange S(1)(2)(3), Lin Z(4)(5)(6), Nourredine M(7), Danaila T(1)(2), Laurencin C(1)(2), Lagha-Boukbiza O(8)(9), Anheim M(8)(9)(10), Klinger H(2), Longato N(8), Phillipps C(8), Voirin J(11), Polo G(4), Simon E(4), Mertens P(4), Rolland AS(12), Devos D(12), Metereau E(1)(2), Tranchant C(8)(9)(10), Thobois S(1)(2)(13); Predistim study group.

Collaborators: Moreau C, Defebvre L, Carriere N, Grolez G, Baille G, Kreisler,
Pruvo JP, Leclerc, Lopes R, Viard R, Kuchcinski G, Dumont J, Dujardin K,
Delliaux M, Brion M, Touzet G, Reyns N, Delval A, Santraine V, Pleuvret M,
Dautrevaux N, Laugeais V, Coeffet M, Ouk T, Potey C, Leclercq C, Gers E, Corvol
JC, Vidailhet M, Hainque E, Welter ML, Lacomblez L, Grabli D, Roze E, Worbe Y,
Delorme C, You H, Ihle J, Guimeraes-Costa R, Cormier-Dequaire F, Méneret A,
Hartmann A, Mariani LL, Lehericy S, Czernecki V, Pineau F, Bozon F, Huiban C,
Benchetrit E, Karachi C, Navarro S, Cornu P, Welaratne A, Dongmo-Kenfack C,
Mantisi L, Jarry N, Aix S, Lefort C, Rouaud T, Damier P, Derkinderen P, Corbille
AG, Calvier-Auffray E, Rocher ML, Deruet MA, Sylvie R, Vincent R, Séverine LD,
Marques A, Debilly B, Durif F, Derost P, Beal C, Chassain C, Delaby L, Vidal T,
Lemaire JJ, Rieu I, Durand E, Eusebio A, Azulay JP, Witjas T, Fluchère F,
Grimaldi S, Girard N, Benchetrit E, Delfini M, Carron R, Regis J, Spatola G,
Magnaudet C, Solène A, Isabelle B, Olivier C, Houeto JL, Remy G, Anne F,
Manssouri A, Sophie B, Philippe R, Philippe C, Philippe P, Benoit B, Emilie R,
Annie G, Sophie D, Leh F, Bonnet A, Vérin M, Ferré JC, Houvenaghel JF, Haegelen
C, Kestens F, Ory S, Burbaud P, Damon-Perriere N, Meissner W, Tison F, Bannier
S, Krim E, Guehl D, Molinier-Blossier S, Ollivier M, Lacoste M, Auzou N, Bonnet
M, Cuny E, Engelhardt J, Branchard O, Huet C, Blanchard J, Olivier R, Courbon
CB, Magne FO, Moreau MS, Arbus C, Bonneville F, Lotterie JA, Sarrail M, Chaynes
P, Caire F, Harroch E, Maltete D, Lefaucheur R, Fetter D, Magne N, Bioux S,
Loubeyre M, Bliaux E, Pouliquen D, Derrey S, Vernon L, Ziegler F, Anheim M,
Lagha-Boukbiza O, Tranchant C, Gebus O, Montaut S, Kremer S, Longato N, Phillips
C, Voirin J, des Neiges Santin M, Chaussemy D, Mengin A, Girodana C, Marsé C,
Mondot L, Giordana B, Kardous R, Bailet B, Joly H, Fontaine D, Leplus A,
Faustini A, Ferrier V, Krystkowiak P, Tir M, Constans JM, Wannepain S, Seling A,
Lefranc M, Blin S, Schuler B, Thobois S, Danaila T, Laurencin C, Berthezene Y,
Ameli R, Klinger H, Polo G, Mertens P, Nunes A, Metereau E, Hopes L, Frismand S,
Schmitt E, Meyer M, Dillier C, Colnat S, Chatelain A, Brandel JP, Hubsch C,
Karsenti P, Lebouteux M, Ziegler M, Delmaire C, Savatowky J, Vrillac J, Nakache
C, D’Hardemare V, Belamri L, Bourdain F, Afanassiev V, Graveleau P, Bonnet C,
Mesnage V, Junior JCL, Decrocq C, Boulin A, Dupuy E, Barre I, Gardel B, Jarraya
B, Lopez D, Fruit C, Ziz C, Gay D, Bonicel R, El Mountassir F, Fischer C, Mangin
JF, Chupin M, Cointepas Y, Accart B, Gelé P, Fievet F, Chabel M, Derenaucourt V,
Facon L, Njosse YT, Deplanque D, Duhamel A, Djemmane L, Duflot F.

Author information:
(1)Univ Lyon, Institut des Sciences Cognitives Marc Jeannerod, CNRS, UMR 5229,
(2)Hospices Civils de Lyon, Hôpital Neurologique Pierre Wertheimer, Service de
Neurologie C, Centre Expert Parkinson NS-PARK/FCRIN network, Bron.
(3)University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne,
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cologne, Germany.
(4)Service de Neurochirurgie fonctionnelle, Hôpital Neurologique et
Neurochirurgical Pierre Wertheimer, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Bron, France.
(5)Department of Neurosurgery, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
(6)Center for Functional Neurosurgery, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai
Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
(7)Hospices Civils de Lyon, Service de biostatistiques, Lyon, France.
(8)Service de Neurologie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
(9)Fédération de Médecine Translationnelle de Strasbourg (FMTS), Université de
Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
(10)Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC),
INSERM-U964/CNRS-UMR7104/Université de Strasbourg, Illkirch-Graffenstaden,
(11)Department of Neurosurgery, NS-PARK/F-CRIN, Strasbourg University Hospital,
Strasbourg, France.
(12)Univ Lille, CHU-Lille, Medical Pharmacology & Neurology, Expert center for
Parkinson, Lille Neuroscience & Cognition, Inserm, UMR-S1172, LICEND, NS-Park
network, Lille, France.
(13)Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Faculté de Médecine et de
Maïeutique Lyon Sud Charles Mérieux, Oullins.

In this one-year prospective study, Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients with or
without mania following STN-DBS were compared to investigate risk and
etiological factors, clinical management and consequences. Eighteen (16.2%) out
of 111 consecutive PD patients developed mania, of whom 17 were males. No
preoperative risk factor was identified. Postoperative mania was related to
ventral limbic subthalamic stimulation in 15 (83%) patients, and resolved as
stimulation was relocated to the sensorimotor STN, besides discontinuation or
reduction of dopamine agonists and use of low-dose clozapine in 12 patients,
while motor and nonmotor outcomes were similar. These findings underpin the
prominent role of limbic subthalamic stimulation in postoperative mania. ANN
NEUROL 2022;92:411-417.

© 2022 The Authors. Annals of Neurology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on
behalf of American Neurological Association.

DOI: 10.1002/ana.26434
PMID: 35703252 [Indexed for MEDLINE]

Auteurs Bordeaux Neurocampus