Childhood trauma, depression and negative symptoms are independently associated with impaired quality of life in schizophrenia. Results from the national FACE-SZ cohort

M. Andrianarisoa, L. Boyer, O. Godin, L. Brunel, E. Bulzacka, B. Aouizerate, F. Berna, D. Capdevielle, J.M. Dorey, C. Dubertret, J. Dubreucq, C. Faget, F. Gabayet, P.M. Llorca, J. Mallet, D. Misdrahi, R. Rey, R. Richieri, C. Passerieux, A. Schandrin, A.M. Tronche, M. Urbach, P. Vidailhet, F. Schürhoff, G. Fond, O. Blanc, I. Chereau-Boudet, G. Chesnoy-Servanin, J.M. Danion, T. D'Amato, A. Deloge, C. Delorme, H. Denizot, C. Fluttaz, S. Fonteneau, E. Giraud-Baro, M.C. Hardy-Bayle, D. Lacelle, C. Lançon, H. Laouamri, M. Leboyer, T. Le Gloahec, Y. Le Strat, E. Metairie, I. Offerlin-Meyer, P. Peri, S. Pires, C. Portalier, C. Roman, M. Sebilleau, F. Schurhoff, A. Tessier, F. Vaillant, A. Vehier, E. Vilà, H. Yazbek, A. Zinetti-Bertschy
Schizophrenia Research. 2017-07-01; 185: 173-181
DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2016.12.021

Auteurs Bordeaux Neurocampus