Brain 5-HT1A Receptor Binding in Multiple System Atrophy: An [18F]-MPPF PET Study
Mov Disord. 2020-09-21; 36(1): 246-251
DOI: 10.1002/mds.28295

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Meyer M(1)(2), Lamare F(1)(2), Asselineau J(3), Foubert-Samier A(4)(5)(6)(7), Mazère J(1)(2), Zanotti-Fregonara P(1)(2), Rizzo G(8), Delamarre A(5)(7), Spampinato U(4), Rascol O(9)(10), Pavy-Le Traon A(9)(11), Tison F(4)(5)(7), Fernandez P(1)(2), Sibon I(4), Meissner WG(4)(5)(7)(12).
Author information:
(1)Service de Médecine Nucléaire, CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
(2)Institut des Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d’Aquitaine, CNRS, UMR
5287, Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France.
(3)Public Health Department, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Bordeaux University
Hospital, Bordeaux, France.
(4)Service de Neurologie, CHU Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
(5)French Reference Centre for MSA, University Hospital Bordeaux, Bordeaux,
(6)Inserm, UMR1219, Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, Bordeaux
University, ISPED, Bordeaux, France.
(7)Univ. de Bordeaux, CNRS, IMN, UMR 5293, Bordeaux, F-33000, France, Bordeaux,
(8)Invicro and Division of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.
(9)French Reference Centre for MSA, University Hospital Toulouse, Toulouse,
(10)Clinical Investigation Center CIC 1436 and Departments of Neurosciences and
Clinical Pharmacology, Inserm, Toulouse University and CHU Toulouse, Toulouse,
(11)Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires, Inserm U 1048,
Toulouse University, Toulouse, France.
(12)Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch, and New Zealand
Brain Research Institute, Christchurch, New Zealand.
BACKGROUND: Loss of medullary serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) neurons has been
linked to respiratory disturbances in multiple system atrophy (MSA). Broader
5-hydroxytryptamine dysfunction may contribute to additional motor/nonmotor
symptoms in MSA. The objective of this study was to compare brain
5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptor binding between MSA and healthy controls.
Secondary objectives were to compare 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptor binding
between MSA and Parkinson’s disease (PD) and to assess potential associations
with motor/nonmotor symptoms in MSA.
METHODS: 2′-Methoxyphenyl-(N-2′-pyridinyl)-p-18F-fluoro-benzamidoethylpiperazine
positron emission tomography was performed in matched MSA patients (n = 16), PD
patients (n = 15), and healthy controls (n = 18).
RESULTS: 2′-Methoxyphenyl-(N-2′-pyridinyl)-p-18F-fluoro-benzamidoethylpiperazine
distribution volume ratios were lower in MSA patients versus healthy controls in
several brain regions including the caudate, raphe nuclei, thalamus, and brain
stem. Distribution volume ratios were also lower in brain stem and amygdala in
MSA versus PD. Moderate associations were found between
distribution volume ratios and fatigue, pain, and apathy in MSA.
CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate 5-hydroxytryptamine dysfunction in several
brain regions in MSA, which may contribute to fatigue, pain, and apathy. © 2020
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
© 2020 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.