The Influence of Study-Level Inference Models and Study Set Size on Coordinate-Based fMRI Meta-Analyses.

Han Bossier, Ruth Seurinck, Simone Kühn, Tobias Banaschewski, Gareth J. Barker, Arun L. W. Bokde, Jean-Luc Martinot, Herve Lemaitre, Tomáš Paus, Sabina Millenet, Beatrijs Moerkerke
Front. Neurosci.. 2018-01-18; 11:
DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00745

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Given the increasing amount of neuroimaging studies, there is a growing need to
summarize published results. Coordinate-based meta-analyses use the locations of
statistically significant local maxima with possibly the associated effect sizes
to aggregate studies. In this paper, we investigate the influence of key
characteristics of a coordinate-based meta-analysis on (1) the balance between
false and true positives and (2) the activation reliability of the outcome from a
coordinate-based meta-analysis. More particularly, we consider the influence of
the chosen group level model at the study level [fixed effects, ordinary least
squares (OLS), or mixed effects models], the type of coordinate-based
meta-analysis [Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) that only uses peak
locations, fixed effects, and random effects meta-analysis that take into account
both peak location and height] and the amount of studies included in the analysis
(from 10 to 35). To do this, we apply a resampling scheme on a large dataset (N =
1,400) to create a test condition and compare this with an independent evaluation
condition. The test condition corresponds to subsampling participants into
studies and combine these using meta-analyses. The evaluation condition
corresponds to a high-powered group analysis. We observe the best performance
when using mixed effects models in individual studies combined with a random
effects meta-analysis. Moreover the performance increases with the number of
studies included in the meta-analysis. When peak height is not taken into
consideration, we show that the popular ALE procedure is a good alternative in
terms of the balance between type I and II errors. However, it requires more
studies compared to other procedures in terms of activation reliability. Finally,
we discuss the differences, interpretations, and limitations of our results.


Auteurs Bordeaux Neurocampus