
2021 training catalogue of the BIC

The BIC is pleased to present its new training catalogue for the year 2021.

From now on, the training courses of the BIC will be managed by the academic organisation GRETA. To register, nothing could be simpler, just visit the website of the BIC :


This year, we are still offering our training courses to help you get started in microscopy and understand which microscope will be the most suitable for observing your sample: widefield microscopy or confocal microscopy? (https://www.bic.u-bordeaux.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Programme-Epifluo-BX-2021.pdf).

In May (18th to 21st), they will give a more advanced training on super resolution techniques. Come and discover these new techniques and test your samples (https://www.bic.u-bordeaux.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Programme-Formation-Super-Res-2021-V01.pdf)!!

Throughout the year there will be trainings dedicated to the processing and analysis of 2D images with the freeware ImageJ (https://www.bic.u-bordeaux.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Programme-ImageJ_Niv1-BX-2021.pdf)  or for 3D images with Imaris (https://www.bic.u-bordeaux.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Programme-Imaris-BX-2021.pdf).

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Publication: 01/02/21
Mise à jour: 05/02/21