

Stephanie Forkel and Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, from GIN team (Neurofunctional Imaging Group – IMN), organize every Monday morning a « Neuroccino », a weekly journal club.

Every Monday morning from 9:30 to 10:30am – Paris time.

Due to the Covid situation, they moved this journal club online so every one can attend and participate! Grab a coffee and an interesting paper from the last week or a historical paper and join them for a discussion of exciting science.

Zoom Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89581146322?pwd=QWp1a0ZqZ1I2bk9OUktDOVMrd3BKQT09

Meeting ID: 895 8114 6322
Passcode: CNS

The rules of the game:

  1. You are most welcome to join even if you don’t bring a paper or don’t like coffee
  2. BYO Science. Any piece of interesting science is eligible to be discuss so don’t be shy and bring anything that captured your attention and/or liking
  3. The more the merrier so invite your science friends, students and colleagues to join
  4. Value everyone’s contribution. There are no wrong questions and chances are if you didn’t understand something in a paper others will feel the same!
  5. Let’s share our expertise and learn from each other in a constructive environment
  6. We will keep a record of Neuroccino on our YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/c/ClinicalNeuroanatomySeminars) so you can catch up if you missed the session.
  7. Please send the references on to update our website with the papers to have a “science catalogue” for us to easily go back to later one

Not sure what to expect ?

Have a look on Youtube:

The papers they discussed so far are available on their website:

How to prepare a paper for Neuroccino

1. What’s the take-home message?
2. What did the authors do (e.g. what methods/analysis etc)?
3. Who was the study cohort (e.g. brain states/demographics/sample size etc)?
4. Why did this paper capture your attention?

Any question ?

Publication: 11/02/21
Mise à jour: 04/10/21