La lettre / Jeudi 9 janvier 2020
Friday 10 January at 11:30 - Centre Broca
Neural circuits for navigation in insects
An innovative mouse model to understand the role of ATP receptor P2X4 in Brain diseases as well as in peripheral disorders.
Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program
Interview of Daniel Choquet.
Le 19 février 2020. Ateliers pour étudiants en masters 2. Restitution ouverte à tous.
Il est issu de la fusion entre l’Inra et Irstea.
Equipe "Neuro Imagerie et cognition humaine"
Contacter la coordination nationale de FBI avant le 15 janvier
Vestibular reflex circuits: from molecules to function
Médiathèque Jacques Ellul, Pessac. Avec Véronique Pallet et Blandine Cherifi
MetaboDay aims at promoting interactions between researchers of the Bordeaux area interested in the various aspects of metabolism. This scientific event is open to researchers, post-docs and PhD students from all fields.
- Registration before 17 January
Neubias Bordeaux, 28 February - 6 March
Forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage.
- Oral communications: abstracts submission deadline: Jan. 13th, 2020.
- Poster & Open source Software Lounge abstracts deadline: Feb. 1st, 2020.
- Registration closes on Feb. 14th, 2020.