Bordeaux Neurocampus
La lettre / Jeudi 5 septembre 2019

Monthly conference (PhD seminar)

Laurent Bourdieu
Institut de Biologie de l'ENS

Fast 3D imaging of neuronal activity in visual cortex across multiple layers in awake mice

Friday 6 at 11:30. Centre Broca.

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Actualités / News

International conference : REWARD

MIND THE DATE! Deadline for abstract submission (talk or poster) and early bird registration deadline: September 13th

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ERC Starting Grants 2019 : le CNRS arrive en tête des organismes européens

Parmi les 6 projets retenus en Aquitaine, 2 sont portés par des chercheurs de Bordeaux Neurocampus : Jonathan Elegheert et Lisa Roux.

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Talents U

Parmi les sept projets sélectionnés dans la catégorie "Recherche et innovation", trois sont portés par des chercheurs de Bordeaux Neurocampus.

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Next trainings at BIC

Widefield and confocal microscopy - ImageJ - 3D

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Marion Rincel et Muriel Darnaudéry in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Maternal separation in rodents: a journey from gut to brain and nutritional perspectives.

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Participez à la Fête de la science

Vous souhaitez proposer un atelier, une rencontre, une conférence ? Il est encore temps !

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Conférences mensuelles (PhD seminar series) - 2019 - 2020

Première conférence le 6 septembre. Découvrez le programme des 10 conférences.

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> Voir toutes les actus [FR]
> See all the news [EN]

Sur l'agenda / Events

Soirée parrainage des nouveaux étudiants

Organisé par la NBA. Jeudi 5 septembre 2019 à partir de 18h

ANR tour 2020

Vendredi 6 septembre (14h-18h)

Cajal lectures : Whole brain imaging

Du 9 au 27 septembre
Free entrance lectures / Venue: CGFB

Wednesday, September 11th – 9:00
Jean-Michel FRANCONI - MR image formation

Thursday, September 12th – 9:00
Russ POLDRACK - Task-related fMRI

Friday, September 13th – 9:00
Tim DYRBY - White matter architecture

Monday, September 16th – 9:00
Fabrice CRIVELLO - Structural brain MRI

Wednesday, September 18th – 9:00
Urs RIBARY - EEG-MEG connectivity dynamics

Wednesday, September 18th – 11:00
Mickaël TANTER - Functional ultrasound

Thursday, September 19th – 9:00
Arno VILLRINGER - Infrared imaging

Monday, September 23rd – 9:00
Gitte KNUDSEN - NeuroPET

Tuesday, September 24th – 9:00
Sven CICHON - Neuroimaging and omics

Tuesday, September 24th – 11:45
Christophe TZOURIO - Imaging markers for neuro-epidemiology

Wednesday September 25th – 9:00
Roundtable : Katrin AMUNTS, Gwenaëlle DOUAUD & Arthur TOGA
Databasing, sharing and meta-analysing

Thursday, September 26th – 9:00
Laura HARSAN - Preclinical imaging

Thursday, September 26th – 11:00
Roundtable : Stéphanie DEBETTE & Kathinka EVERS - Brain imaging ethics

LabEx TRAIL scientific day

Lundi 16 septembre 2019 / 14:00 - 18:00
Dedicated to brain connectivity.

Journée Synapse

Mardi 17 septembre 2019
Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Thesis defense – Nan Jiang

Mardi 17 septembre 2019 / 14:00 - Neurocentre Magendie
Plasticity of hippocampal synaptic transmission and intrinsic excitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

Canceled event

The seminar by Francisco Papaleo, planned on Friday 13th, has been canceled.

> Tous les événements [FR]
> All the events [EN]

Thesis defenses

Don't forget to announce your thesis defense (or spread the word to your PhD student).
Please write to with details:
- Date and venue
- Name of the thesis supervisor
- Title, summary, key words (in french and english)
- Your publications
- Jury
... and a picture! Selfies are not encouraged: just ask us for a portrait!