Bordeaux Neurocampus
La lettre / Jeudi 2 avril 2020


Coronavirus COVID-19
[FR] L'université de Bordeaux s'organise face à la crise générée par le coronavirus Covid-19 pour assurer la continuité de ses activités. Un espace d'information en ligne centralise toutes les informations utiles :

[EN] In response to the exceptional circumstances due to Covid-19, the university has created a set of webpages in English that include regularly updated information here :


Nouvelle équipe / New team

Entretien avec Fabien Wagner, nouveau chef d'équipe à l'IMN

Summer school

Workshop: "Introduction to experimental neuroscience"
Workshop: "Introduction to experimental neuroscience"
Bordeaux, from July 20th to August 1st. Organized by the Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program.

At this time, the Bordeaux Summer Schools are scheduled to take place as planned. Please note that application deadlines have been prolonged until April 10th, 2020. Updates will be posted on the websites and applicants will be notified by email as necessary.

More information [EN]


Valentin Nägerl - Crédit Sharpen
Valentin Nägerl awarded by the Human Frontier Science Program
Project: The extracellular space of the brain: a multi-modal analysis from nano-structure to in vivo function. Co-applicant(s): Prof. Nishizawa (Tohoku University), Nedergaard (University of Copenhagen) and Hrabetova (SUNY Downstate Medical Center)

More information [EN]

Entre nous / Just for us

Photo contest: "Montrer les neurosciences"
Concours photo : "Montrer les neurosciences"
Ouvert au personnel et aux étudiants de Bordeaux Neurocampus.
Date limite de participation : 12 septembre.
En savoir plus [FR]

Open to staff and students of Bordeaux Neurocampus. Deadline : 12 September
More information [EN]


Due to the situation, conditions or deadline may change. Please check updated information on each call webpage.
Idex Bordeaux
Appel à projets "colloques/conférences/réunions"
Date limite de candidature repoussée au 15 avril.

En savoir plus [FR]
Bordeaux Neurocampus travel grants for FENS 2020
Bordeaux Neurocampus travel grants for FENS 2020
Due to the covid-19 situation, we are sill waiting for confirmation about the event and dates. Therefore deadline for submission has been postponed to 15 April 2020.

More information [EN]
Prix de thèse 2020
Prix de thèse 2020
Docteurs ayant soutenu leur thèse en 2019 à l’université de Bordeaux.
Date limite de candidature : 17 avril.

En savoir plus [FR]
Call for proposal: Bordeaux Neurocampus seed projects
Bordeaux Neurocampus seed projects
In order to support preparation phase before submission to national or international grant.
Deadline: 5 May.

More information [EN]


The globus pallidus orchestrates abnormal network dynamics in a model of Parkinsonism. Brice de la Crompe, Asier Aristieta, Arthur Leblois, Salma Elsherbiny, Thomas Boraud, Nicolas P. Mallet. Nat Commun. 2020-03-26. 11(1).

Fluorescent sp3 Defect-Tailored Carbon Nanotubes Enable NIR-II Single Particle Imaging in Live Brain Slices at Ultra-Low Excitation Doses. Amit Kumar Mandal, Xiaojian Wu, Joana S. Ferreira, Mijin Kim, Lyndsey R. Powell, Hyejin Kwon, Laurent Groc, YuHuang Wang, Laurent Cognet. Sci Rep. 2020-03-24. 10(1).

Anchoring the human olfactory system to a functional gradient. Alice Waymel, Patrick Friedrich, Pierre-Antoine Bastian, Stephanie Forkel, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten. 2020-03-20.


[FR] En raison de l'épidémie actuelle, les événements prévus jusqu'à l'été sont annulés ou reportés.

[EN] Due to the Covid-19, all events planned until summer are cancelled or postponed.