La lettre / Jeudi 13 avril 2023 Prochaine lettre : jeudi 27 avril 2023
Opioid-based treatments of depression: from cells to patients Invited by Laurent Groc
A new date will be announced soon.
Deadline: Monday 17th April 2023
Mardi 27 juin 2023. Inscriptions ouvertes.
Lundi 24 avril 2023. Centre Broca Sur inscription avant le 14 avril. Pour le personnel de Bordeaux Neurocampus.
Tuesday 16th May Deadline for submission of abstracts for posters and oral communications : April 24th.
9th May 2023 Deadline for submission of oral communications: April 14th
Job offer
Team: Development and Neurobiology of Neural Network (DN3) – INCIA
Pour tous
Avec Mathias Sanchez, musicien, créateur de spectacles musicaux pour enfants et d’ateliers d’éveil musical
Seminar ChatGPT / In french and english Mardi 2 mai / 13:00 "ChatGPT : performances et limites" par Frédéric Alexandre, en français (30 min) "Using Transformers in Brain Sciences" by Subba Reddy Otta, in english (30 min)
Decoding the interplay between autophagy and exosomes at the synapse in Parkinson's disease
Physiological membrane dynamics of oligodendrocytes
How oxytocin, astrocytes and amygdala might form a triptych for emotional adaptation
Functional and neuropathological changes induced by injection of distinct alpha-synuclein strains: A pilot study in non-human primates Fayard Audrey, Fenyi Alexis, Lavisse Sonia, Dovero Sandra, Bousset Luc, Tracy Bellande, Lecourtois Sophie, Jouy Christophe, Guillermier Martine, Jan Caroline, Gipchtein Pauline, Dehay Benjamin, Bezard Erwan, Melki Ronald, Hantraye Philippe, Aron Badin Romina. Neurobiology of Disease. 2023-03-01 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106086
New calls
The purpose is to support training and experience for European Neurologists in any area of basic or clinical or applied research in neuroscience.
International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology
Par l’Académie des sciences et le National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) de Taïwan
2 types de bourses de mobilité. L’université de Bordeaux offre un accompagnement au montage des projets.
Expire le 13 septembre 2023
Hereditary and sporadic types of Ataxia in both basic and translational research
Agence de l’innovation de défense
Biological or medical research.
To support research that advances their Pathways to Cures Roadmap.
1 boursesur un projet portant sur la schizophrénie, 3 bourses sur des projets portant sur les troubles de l’humeur
Ending soon
Directed at PhD students and early post-doctoral fellows
Objectif : permettre à un jeune médecin radiologue ou médecin nucléaire d’effectuer un stage de recherche
Destiné à de jeunes chercheurs pour mettre en place et animer une nouvelle équipe
Projets innovants de consolidation et de maturation
Chimie organique et/ou biochimie
Quantify the amount and regional distribution of post-translational modifications of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease-relevant brain regions.
Projet de recherche innovant en sciences biomédicales
This is an investigator award for early career academic investigators, especially those who are new to the field of neurodegeneration.
for young researchers who want to spend 12 to 24 months for a research internship in a Japanese laboratory
For candidates that are currently based in their postdoc lab and planning to move to an independent tenure track
attendance to the 16th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africa – SONA 2023 (12-14 July 2023, Johannesburg, South Africa).
The award is given in recognition of outstanding and innovative scientific work from all areas of neuroscience research.
Support the generation of preliminary data that will ultimately serve as the basis for larger grants that fund impactful research focused on ALS.
Projet de recherche dans les sciences de la vie. Condition : avoir répondu et été sélectionné lors des appels à projets Starting, Consolidator ou Advanced de l’ERC en 2022 mais ne pas avoir obtenu ce financement malgré la qualité du projet.
Pour les chercheur(e)s en sciences de la vie
to participate in international neuroscience meetings and events taking place between July and December 2023
to increase the successful transition to and retention of diverse, early career neuroscientists into academic positions
Applicants be active members of the International Society for Neurochemistry.
Intent is to support a Plenary Lecture at the annual meetings of societies of neurochemistry, neuroscience or neurobiology
Projets de recherche médicale au service des patients.
The Multiple System Atrophy Coalition seeks novel ideas to answer one of two questions: “How do we treat Multiple System Atrophy?”, “How can we evaluate and improve quality of care for multiple system atrophy patients?