La lettre / Jeudi 15 juin 2023
Une découverte scientifique d'Aelis Farma avec des chercheurs du Neurocentre Magendie et Columbia University (NY) dans Nature Medicine.
Édité par la SATT Aquitaine
Par l'Inserm. Phase I (théorique) à Bordeaux, du 16 au 18 octobre. Phase II (pratique) du 6 au 10 novembre à Paris.
LACCO series: Genetically encoded fluorescent L-lactate biosensors for neuroscience Invited by Giovanni Marsicano (Neurocentre Magendie)
GENIGMA: an app to map the 3D genome of cancer celle lines through extreme citizen science
Neuropsychological and cerebral sequelae of Intimate Partner Violence Invited by Michel Thiebaut de Schotten (IMN)
Seminar – Lilly Bentall Thursday 22 June / 11:00 Changes in SNpr activity underlying dyskinesia in Parkinsonian model rats Invited by Clémentine Bosch Bouju (NutriNeuro)
Social behavior and striatum: reward matters Invited by Jean-Luc Morel (INCIA)
Cajal lectures
June 19 - 11:00am Ragnhildur Thora Karadottir (Cambridge University, UK) or Cagla Eroglu (Duke University, USA)
June 22 - 9:00am Wiebke Moebius (Max-Planck Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany) Exploring myelin biology with electron microscopy.
June 22 - 10:00am 3 Brain : Presentation
June 22 - 11:00am Amit Agarwal (Heidelberg University, Germany) Decoding calcium signals and mitochondrial dynamics in brain macroglia in vivo.
June 23 - 9:00am Thomas Papouin (Washington University, School of Medicine , USA) Mapping the Contribution of Astrocytes to the Effects of Neuromodulators on Synapses and Behavior.
June 23 - 11:00am Mikael Simons (DZNE, Germany) Mechanisms of (re)myelination in the CNS.
June 24 - 9:00am Caroline Smith (Boston College, USA) Conducting rigorous behavioral testing in the context of neuro-immune interactions.
June 24 - 10:00am Giampaolo Milior (College de France, France) Glial cells in the human brain: new insights and perspectives from work on human epileptic tissues.
Memory deficits in a juvenile rat model of type 1 diabetes are due to excess 11β-HSD1 activity, which is upregulated by high glucose concentrations rather than insulin deficiency Julie Brossaud, Clémentine Bosch-Bouju, Nathalie Marissal-Arvy, Marie-Neige Campas-Lebecque, Jean-Christophe Helbling, Scott P. Webster, Brian R. Walker, Xavier Fioramonti, Guillaume Ferreira, Pascal Barat, Jean-Benoît Corcuff, Marie-Pierre Moisan. Diabetologia. 2023-06-10 10.1007/s00125-023-05942-3
New calls
rejuvenation biotechnology
Vise à entamer une nouvelle collaboration entre un jeune chercheur ou chercheuse Inserm travaillant dans une équipe française et une équipe étrangère.
Applicants at accredited US and international institutions are eligible.
To undertake a flexible 12 month period of sabbatical leave in a UK university or research institution
Pour les statutaires dans un laboratoire sous tutelle du CNRS
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Collaborative, cross-disciplinary research project in the field of imaging and data science
Pour doctorant(e)s et post-doctorant(e)s
Expire le 30 octobre 2023
Ending soon
Biological or medical research.
Soutien fort et durable à des équipes proposant un programme de recherche innovant en biologie avec des applications potentielles en santé
intended to support multi-disciplinary teams of PIs with expertise in both human and animal research
Tremblement essentiel mais aussi tremblements rares
Celebrating outstanding support and mentorship in science
Deux bourses avec le soutien des laboratoires Pfizer et CSL Behring
Autism Science Foundation
AFAF et Fondation Maladies Rares . Toutes les disciplines biomédicales, paramédicales et des sciences humaines et sociales sont éligibles
Par l’Association Connaître les syndromes cérébelleux (CSC) et la Fondation Maladies Rares (FMR)
Enables the evaluation of novel therapeutics for target engagement and disease-modifying potential in ALS.