La lettre / Mercredi 10 novembre 2021
Thursday 18 November at 14:00 Deamidation of human serum albumin and its possible role in Alzheimer’s disease etiology.
Invited by Muriel Priault (IBGC – CNRS UMR5095) and Benjamin Dehay (IMN)
Communiqué du CNRS. Parmi les auteurs, des chercheurs de l'IINS.
Trois questions à Yves Ducq, vice-président Amélioration continue et documentation.
Elles auront lieu du mardi 30 novembre au jeudi 2 décembre 2021.
20 January 2022. Everyone is welcome to present their work.
Vendredi 26 novembre 2021. Accueil par Eric Boué-Grabot (IMN) et Candice Chapouly (Inserm, U1034)
Vendredi 26 novembre 2021. Lieu : IMS, Hôpital Xavier Arnozan.
Que vous pratiquiez l'expérimentation animale ou pas, venez tester vos talents d'orateur et de débatteur !
2-20 May 2022. Deadline for applications: 29 November 2021
Next week
Deamidation of human serum albumin and its possible role in Alzheimer’s disease etiology
Force production and force sensing during clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Optogenetic control and visualization of GPCR pathways, or a journey from mouse brain to bioluminescent fish
A guide for navigating the optogenetic tool warehouse
Thursday 25 November / 09:00 - 10:30
Genetically encoded tools for high-resolution in vivo imaging of neuromodulator dynamics
Mechanistic study and potential therapeutic targets of synucleinopathies
Recently added in our database
Do not forget to update your orcid account!
Forces generated by lamellipodial actin filament elongation regulate the WAVE complex during cell migration Amine Mehidi, Frieda Kage, Zeynep Karatas, Maureen Cercy, Matthias Schaks, Anna Polesskaya, Matthieu Sainlos, Alexis M. Gautreau, Olivier Rossier, Klemens Rottner, Grégory Giannone. Nat Cell Biol. 2021-11-01. DOI: 10.1038/s41556-021-00786-8
Nouveaux appels / New calls
Tourette Association of America
The scope is drug discovery chemistry, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and synthesis of bioactive compounds
Parmi les domaines : la santé humaine, animale et/ environnementale dans le cadre de l’approche “Une seule santé”.
Expire le 10 janvier 2022
projets de coopération entre établissements d’enseignement supérieur de France et de Bavière
Experimental projects in basic biomedical research
Supporting international collaborations, enabling transfer of expertise
For projects with german researchers
Expirent prochainement / Ending soon
Pour de nouvelles collaborations.
Expire le 12 novembre 2021
Volet recherche et volet plateformes
Expire le 15 novembre 2021
MSCAEnds on 16 November 2021
Aim: enabling young scientists to create and lead a team within an established Inserm or CNRS laboratory in France.