Bordeaux Neurocampus
La lettre / Jeudi 5 mai 2022



Monthly conference (PhD seminar) - Matthew Grubb
Monthly conference (PhD seminar) - Matthew Grubb (King's college, London)
Friday 6 May at 11:30 // Functional recovery and plasticity during naturally occurring neuronal regeneration

More information
BrainConf NEURODEV: don't forget to register!
BrainConf NEURODEV: Registration before May 9th
Haut-Carré (Talence). May 18th to 20th, 2022.

More information [EN]

Côté UB

Valoriser les compétences transversales des étudiants
Valoriser les compétences transversales des étudiants
Une grille d’identification des compétences transversales dans les enseignements disciplinaires est désormais accessible à l’ensemble de la communauté enseignante.

En savoir plus [FR]
Elections dans les collèges de formation

EUR Light

Call for applications - EUR Light Sciences and Technology Masters Program
Call for applications - EUR Light Sciences and Technology Masters Program
With a “Biophotonics and Neurotechnology” master track

More information

Offres d'emploi / Positions

Développeur informatique PHP/Web/SQL
Plateforme de bioinformatique - Neurocentre Magendie



Monthly conference (PhD seminar) – Matthew Grubb
Friday 6 May / 11:30 - 12:30
Functional recovery and plasticity during naturally occurring neuronal regeneration

The microbiota as seen by the experts
Monday 9 May
Organized by the SBM departement

Impromptu seminar – Signy Sheldon
Tuesday 10 May / 11:00
Exploring the Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying Autobiographical Memory and The Implications for Aging
Invited by Bruno Bontempi

Webinar – Ma Terre en 180 minutes
Mardi 10 mai / 13:00 - 14:00
Cycle "Mon laboratoire comme acteur de la soutenabilité"

Impromptu Seminar – Frank Schnorrer
Wednesday 11 May / 11:00
Do titins rule sarcomeres of insect muscles?
Invited by Gregory Giannone

Bordeaux Neurocampus International conference: Neurodev
Wednesday 18 May
- Friday 20 May
Haut-Carré, Talence More details soon

IMSCOGS annual meeting
Wednesday 18 May
- Thursday 19 May
Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Cajal lectures

May 7 – 9:00am
Valentina Emiliani (Vision Institute Paris, France)
Holographic manipulation on neuronal circuits

May 7 – 11:00am
Marie Carlen (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Structural and functional annotation of the mouse prefrontal cortex

May 9 – 9:00am
Matthew E. Larkum (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
The role of single-cell computation in the cortical network

May 9 – 11:00am
Tommaso Patriarchi (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
High-resolution fluorescence imaging of neuromodulators using genetically encoded fluorescent sensors

May 12 – 9:00am
Megan Carey (Champalimaud Research, Portugal)
Understanding the complex behaviors of the simple cerebellar circuit

May 12 – 11:00am
Rainer Friedrich (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland)
Inhibitory connectivity and computations in olfaction

May 13 – 9:00am
Manuel Zimmer (University of Vienna, Austria)
From connectome to function: connectivity features underlying neuronal population dynamics in the nematode C. elegans

May 13 – 11:00am
Athena Akrami (University College London, UK)
How does sensory statistics impact working memory and decision making?

Pour tous

Conférence “Autisme, TDAH, troubles DYS : que nous dit la recherche en Neurosciences en 2022 ?”
Mardi 17 mai / 18:00
Librairie Mollat - Station Ausone

Réunion publique : la Sclérose en plaques
Jeudi 19 mai / 19:00
35, place Pey Berland

Demi-journée scientifique : troubles du neurodéveloppement
Vendredi 20 mai / 13:30 - 17:15
- Session scientifique
- Table ronde avec des associations d'usagers et de familles.


Sorry, we are facing some technical issues... New publications will come back soon!


New calls

Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks 2022 (MSCA DN)
Contact: Service Montage et Suivi de projets
Ends on 15 November 2022

FEBS Fellowships and FEBS Excellence Award
Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Ends on 1 July 2022

Prix Claude Pompidou pour la Recherche sur la Maladie d’Alzheimer
11ème édition
Expire le 31 mai 2022

Fondation pour l’audition – Prix scientifiques
Grand Prix scientifique, Prix Émergence recherche fondamentale, Prix Émergence recherche clinique
Expire le 16 mai 2022

Fédération des aveugles de France – Bourses pour la Recherche et l’Innovation
Deux bourses de recherche
Expire le 10 juin 2022

CurePSP: Venture Grant
Funding of studies on PSP and CBD
Ends on 20 May 2022

MeCaCell3D (2022)
Mécanismes et mécanique en systèmes multicellulaires tridimensionnels
Expite le 10 mai 2022

Suzanne Wright Memorial Research Accelerator Grants – Autism Science Foundation
To support the autism research
Ends on 14 June 2022

Ending soon

AID – Thèses Cifre-Défense 2022
Agence de l’innovation de défense
Ends on 6 May 2022

Trois prix – Domaine de la douleur
Ends on 9 May 2022

Fondation Jacques Chirac – Prix de l’innovation
Au service de l’autonomie des personnes en situation de handicap
Ends on 9 May 2022

MeCaCell3D (2022)
Mécanismes et mécanique en systèmes multicellulaires tridimensionnels
Ends on 10 May 2022
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