La lettre / Jeudi 28 mars 2024
Friday 29 March at 11:30 // The dark side of dopamine: the paradoxical influences of dopamine on striatal motor functions
Wednesday 3rd April at 11:30 // Improving cognitions: Insights from a decade of Fmθ neurofeedback research
Félicitations à David Perrais, Naoya Takahashi et Pierre Trifilieff
Date limite de candidature : jeudi 25 avril à 11h00.
3 publications impliquant des chercheuses et chercheurs bordelais sont parmi les 22 highlights
3-19 April // Venue: CGFB // Open to everyone.
Abstract submission until April 1st.
Mind the date! Registration before March 31st, 2024!
The dark side of dopamine: the paradoxical influences of dopamine on striatal motor functions // Venue: Centre Broca Invited by Jérôme Baufreton (IMN)
Bilateral vestibular loss and space flight: common consequences? // Flying to the moon, a never ending story or a fleeting time ? How bilateral vestibular deafferentation affects time estimation in rats. // Venue: BBS Invited by Ellemarije Altena and Etienne Guillaud (INCIA)
Improving cognitions: Insights from a decade of Fmθ neurofeedback research // Venue: Centre Broca Invited by Elise Grevet (INCIA)
Lectures are open to everyone. // Venue: CGFB
Please register no later than April 1 // Venue: CGFB
// Venue: Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Pour tous
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New calls
Financer des évaluations cliniques post marquage CE
Several types of grants with several deadlines
fostering innovative research in collaboration with HD clinics to better understand the biology of Huntington’s disease as it occurs in humans
thèses pluridisciplinaires intégrant des aspects mathématiques, informatiques et biomédicaux
From basic science that can change the way we think about MeCP2 to clinical research that directly impacts potential treatment
4 prizes : Outstanding Innovation in Neurodegenerative Research / Innovative Early-Career Scientist / Milestone Prize for Advances in Tauopathy Research / Breakthrough Prize for Effective Treatments in PSP
Association Huntington France
Les thèmes de recherche concernent l’épidémiologie, la physiopathologie, le traitement des pathologies neurovasculaires.
discovery and development of novel disease progression and stratification biomarkers using any modality.
tout projet de recherche relatif à la maladie Willis Ekbom, plus connue sous le nom de syndrome des jambes sans repos.
Expire le 30 septembre 2024
Ending soon
Parmi les domaines : la psychologie et la neurobiologie
Société Française de Recherche et Médecine du Sommeil : Projet de Master 2 / Année de thèse ou de post-doc / Projet multicentrique SFRMS / Allocation doctorale
Intended to support the creation of a national network to develop an innovative research project
Soutenir la lutte contre la douleur
En partenariat et avec le soutien de la Fondation ARSEP
Emergence – New network and Annual call
Short term research visits of young ISN members in the labs of established ISN members
seeks to foster international scientific collaboration and development of human resources
The aim of this new fellowship is to give medical students the possibility and experience to gain insight in neurology
Pour une jeune chercheuse ou un jeune chercheur en psychologie
A un(e) jeune chercheur(e) dont les résultats de thèse peuvent faire progresser les connaissances sur la physiopathologie, le diagnostic ou la prise en charge thérapeutique des Neuropathies Optiques Héréditaires.
Short term research visits of young ISN members
Federation of European Biochemical Societies
The research plan should entail patient-oriented research in PD or other parkinsonian disorders, and address unmet needs of people living with these conditions.
Funds for trainee authors of reviews to present at a Neurochemistry or Neuroscience meeting.
Supporting young group leaders in Europe and beyond
offer funds to help enable established investigators
AES funding may be used for speakers’ transportation and lodging, participation by junior investigators and trainees, the publication of proceedings, and other direct costs,
Destinés à récompenser de jeunes médecins et/ou scientifiques pour leurs contributions à la recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer et les maladies apparentées.
Permettre à de jeunes chercheurs de formation scientifique ou médicale de poursuivre leurs travaux de recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer et les maladies apparentée
recognizes individuals dedicated to women’s advancement in neuroscience through mentorship.
recognizes a early career neuroscientist’s outstanding PhD thesis advancing understanding of molecular, genetic, or cellular mechanisms underlying higher brain function and cognition
Behavioral neuroscience is defined for these purposes as neuroscience research involving behavioral variables or oriented toward the solution of behavioral problems.
Nominations must be made or endorsed by an SfN member.
drug addiction / neuropharmacology (or a related area) / neuroscience / women in neuroscience