Vous trouvez ci-dessous l'annonce de la prochaine conférence internationale Bordeaux Neurocampus, NEURODEV, qui aura lieu du 18 au 20 mai 2022, susceptible d'intéresser les chercheurs de votre unité.
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Bordeaux Neurocampus
18-20 MAY, 2022 // BORDEAUX, FRANCE
Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of different conditions in which the development of the central nervous system is disturbed and that often have lifelong consequences. Such developmental brain dysfunction can manifest as neuropsychiatric problems (Autism Spectrum Disorders, schizophrenia, fragile-X syndrome, down syndrome…) or impaired motor function, learning, language or non-verbal communication. Numerous developmental processes can go awry, sometimes simultaneously, affecting the generation of the appropriate diversity of neural cell types, their migration to correct sites in the brain and the establishment of precise connectivity with target cells, leading to complex brain and sensory dysfunction(s) and neurological diseases.
In this 3 day symposium, experts from different areas of developmental neuroscience, human neuropsychology, epidemiology, brain imaging and genetics & epigenetics as well as clinicians will address the current state of neurodevelopmental disorders research, and its challenges for human health. By integrating neurodevelopmental perspectives and basic, translational and clinical approaches, this meeting will promote discussions and exchanges, and a new understanding of the complexity of these pathologies.
Scientific committee
Anouck AMESTOY ; INCIA / Centre hospitalier Charles Perrens Jean-René CAZALETS ; INCIA Sophie LAYÉ ; Nutrineuro Mireille MONTCOUQUIOL ; Neurocentre Magendie Nathalie SANS ; Neurocentre Magendie
. Genetics & Epigenetics of NDDs . Models of NDDs . Developmental and Molecular Basis of NDDs . Biomarkers of NDDs . Environment & Epigenetics
Invited speakers
Xavier ALTAFAJ - Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain Catherine BARTHÉLÉMY - Inserm, Université de Tours, France Frédérique BONNET-BRILHAUT - Inserm, Université de Tours, France Thomas BOURGERON - Institut Pasteur, Paris, France John F CRYAN - University College Cork, Dept. of Anatomy & Neuroscience, Cork, Ireland Guoping FENG - MIT Harvard, USA Andreas FRICK - Inserm, Bordeaux Neurocampus, France Denis JABEAUDON - Department of Fundamental Neurosciences, UNGE, Genève, Switzerland Cédric GALERA - Centre hospitalier Charles Perrens, Bordeaux, France Sonia GAREL - ENS, Paris, France Pierre GRESSENS - Inserm, Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris, France Laurent GROC - CNRS, Bordeaux Neurocampus, France Mathias GROSZER - Inserm, Sorbonne Université, Institut du Fer à Moulin, Paris, France Mohamed JABER - Inserm, Université de Poitiers, France Peter KIND - Center for Discovery Neurosciences, Edinburgh, UK Marion LEBOYER - Inserm, Institut Mondor de recherche biomédicale, Créteil, France Jean-Claude LACAILLE - Département de neurosciences, Univ Montréal, Montréal, Canada Meng-Chuan LAI - University of Toronto, Canada Gaia NOVARINO - Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Austria Susanna PIETROPAOLO - CNRS, Bordeaux Neurocampus, France Hélène SAUZEON - Université de Bordeaux, France Deepak SRIVASTASA - King’s College London, UK Laurence VAIVRE-DOURET - Inserm, Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France Marianne VAN DEN BREE - Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff, UK Jonathan VANRYZIN - Univ. Maryland, USA
Registration from January 10th, 2022
More details
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